This innovation brief describes the use of Learner Profiles and Personalized Learning Plans (PLPs) at three schools and outlines the advantages and challenges of these two strategies. Learner Profiles are used to collect information about each student’s learning styles, strengths, weaknesses, and interests. Learning Plans lay out students goals. Students take an active role in the development of both, thus building skills to direct their own learning.
This brief is part of a series of tools designed to share emerging practices used by NGLC breakthrough model schools. NGLC is an initiative of Educause Learning Initiative, a nonprofit community of higher education institutions and organizations committed to the advancement of learning through the innovative application of technology.
While the examples provided are from elementary schools, this brief will be useful to educators of all levels. School leaders, in particular, might share this overview with teachers and parents to help gain support for implementation of Learner Profiles and PLPs.
Source Organization: Next Generation Learning Challenges