Rethinking Use of Space and Time for Next Generation Schools

By Catherine Lange, Nicole Falcone
June 6, 2017

This article shares key tips and examples from Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC) and 2Revolutions Reimagining Space, Time and Staffing toolkit which includes strategies and resources from NGLC grantees on space and design, an often overlooked piece of the learning experience. It explores the importance of space to support personalized learning and the impact that classroom and school design can have on students’ learning experiences. A few key tips include:

  • Student experience needs to drive design
  • Utilize all spaces for learning
  • Use space to support innovative learning models

This article includes helpful school exemplars and can be used in conjunction with the toolkit to help leaders and educators rethink school and classroom design even on a small budget.

Source Organization: Education Next

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