This article explores authentic student agency, using California’s Aveson Charter Schools, where the author is founder, to show it in action. It emphasizes the critical role of student agency in a competency-based learning model. The author discusses a number of research-backed practices used at Aveson:
- The development of foundational or noncognitive skills such as relationship building and self-regulation.
- The creation of a collaborative structure to support student agency through student-led conferences, triad conferences, and exhibitions.
- Delivery of support to nurture student agency such as communication regarding learning expectations, scaffolding, and use of metacognitive language to build students’ understanding of themselves as learners.
This article will be of interest to educators at all levels to help solidify understanding of true student agency through tangible examples. It offers ideas to foster self-regulation and student ownership. It could also be shared as a successful school example to help gain support to give students more power over their learning.
Source Organization: Getting Smart