Student-Focused Learning in Springdale, Arkansas

By James Rickabaugh
June 21, 2017

This four-part blog series from CompetencyWorks, explores the exemplary student-centered work in the Springdale School District, in Arkansas. The articles explore innovations happening in the district, and many lessons, challenges, and learnings that might inspire other district and school leaders and educators.

The final blog of the series provides a student perspective. Using student’s own words, it explores in-depth what they need to feel supported in taking educational risks. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of including students in school improvement efforts to ensure what they need to thrive is in place.

  1. Springdale, Arkansas: A Tradition of Innovation and Future of Opportunity
  2. Building Learning Momentum at Springdale’s School of Innovation
  3. Finding Time and Providing Support for Student-Driven Learning
  4. Encouraging Learning Risks and Growth

Source Organization: CompetencyWorks

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