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Improving Teaching With Expert Feedback—From Students

By Edutopia
August 19, 2018

This article, part of the Schools That Work series by Edutopia, describes the approach a physics teacher at Trinidad Garza Early College High School took to improve his instruction. He found, through surveys, that letting students voice their opinions on how they learn best was the key to changing his teaching practices and improving students’ understanding. The practice was so successful, all teachers at the school now use surveys.

The article includes a link to the school’s survey, as well as detailed instructions to help any school administrator bring this practice to their own school. The article also walks through the steps of implementation, from building a small group of advocates, creating teacher buy-in through brainstorming best practices, to review and action based on the data. The accompanying video highlights the importance of eliciting student voice to impact teaching and giving students a sense of ownership over their own learning.

Source Organization: Edutopia

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