This organization works in NYC to support student involvement in school change. Students from 16 schools come together to support each other and build the skills they identified in effective community leaders, such as speaking and listening, conducting sound research, collaborating and organizing, solving problems fairly and with flexibility, and understanding school systems. One research project resulted in a student voice rubric which outlines areas where student voice should be found in schools and the key elements or components. The site also introduces Student Voice Collaborative’s collaborative change process. Students enact changes at their individual schools through action teams made up of students and teachers who conduct research, identify areas for improvement, and create solutions. Several school improvement campaigns are featured as examples.
At the district level, students are also involved in Quality Review visits and shadowing the reviewers conducting the visits. They have created a guide to student voice to help the QR reviewers identify instances of meaningful student voice during these reviews.
Source Organization: Student Voice Collaborative