This article, written by Corey Drake, Associate Professor and Director of Teacher Preparation at Michigan State University’s College of Education discusses a short list of ideas and teaching practices that will support how students learn math, and why it is important for teachers to implement them. The list explores teaching practices that work to make student learning meaningful and impactful, which includes posing challenging tasks that connect to children’s prior understandings and out-of-school experiences, providing opportunities for children to make sense of and talk about mathematics, and promoting the use of mental mathematics based on patterns in our number system.
The article should get mathematics (and all) educators rethinking how they teach. It also offers some helpful background research about how students learn and how to use those findings to your advantage in the classroom. There are also a few helpful suggestions about how to garner the support needed to implement these changes in teaching practices and grow them to scale.
Source Organization: The Hechinger Report