Women’s History Month Lessons, Activities, Background Reading, and More

March 8, 2017

The National Education Association (NEA) has assembled a list of lessons and other resources for grades 9-12 to celebrate March 2017 National Women’s History Month “Honoring Trailblazing Women in Labor and Business”. Resources were gathered from a variety of organizations such as Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute and the Gilder Lehrman Institute for American History. They are organized into several categories including lessons and activities, background resources, printables, and audio/video. The resources cover topics such as women’s contributions to WWII, women in congress, Chicana rights, women in labor, and women in science.

This list of resources will be useful for educators of grades 9-12 planning activities to examine the changing cultural perceptions of women in society and honor their contributions to all aspects of American life. As lessons come from a variety of sources, some may need to be adapted for a learner-centered environment, for example, the objectives in some of the lessons may be used as the foundation of a project-based activity.

Source Organization: NEA

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