American School Counselors Association

This organization, the American School Counselor Association (ASCA), represents professional school counselors in all school settings from elementary to college campuses. ASCA focuses on providing professional development, enhancing school counseling programs and researching effective school counseling practices. The website includes Position Statements on a variety of topics relevant to counselors. The site provides many resources for… Read More ›

ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success: K-12 College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Every Student

This set of standards from the American School Counselors Association describes the knowledge, skills, and attitudes students need to achieve academic success, college and career readiness, and social/emotional development. The standards draw from a wide array of educational research, best practices, and existing standards. The 35 standards are divided into mindsets and behaviors counselors should… Read More ›

The Librarians Active Learning Institute at Dartmouth College

The Librarians Active Learning Institute (LALI) is a two-day institute held yearly at Dartmouth College. The institute works to help teaching librarians develop and refine their skills as learner-centered teachers, instructional designers, and collaborators. Participants spend two days exploring evidence-based practices that maximize student learning, and they come away with new approaches and ideas to… Read More ›

Instructional Strategies for Library and Information Professionals

This online course was designed as a graduate course offered at Indiana University-Indianapolis, but all of the online videos and class materials are available free to anyone wishing to learn more about information inquiry and learner-centered instructional strategies. The course is divided into 15 sessions. Each session includes a 15- to 20-minute recorded presentation and… Read More ›

21st-Century Libraries: The Learning Commons

This article describes the shift in the role of libraries in the 21st century and the corresponding shift in the design and use of the physical library space. With increasing access to technology in schools, students no longer need the library simply as an archive of information. Instead, libraries can become spaces that encourage participatory,… Read More ›

Engaging Students: What I Learned Along the Way

In this article a veteran educator shares insights about the importance of creating a positive classroom culture. The author encourages novice teachers to work to understand students’ perspectives to build relationships and foster engagement and learning. She asserts that through knowing students well educators can personalize the classroom experience and reflect on classroom activity to increase student… Read More ›

Smithsonian Learning Lab

The Smithsonian Learning Lab is an interactive website for the discovery and creative use of the Smithsonian’s digital collections and tools – more than one million images, videos, texts, audio recordings, and activities. The Learning Lab invites users to explore interests, discover new ideas and knowledge, and create personalized collections and resources. Source Organization: Smithsonian Learning… Read More ›

Teachers Still Struggling to Use Tech to Transform Instruction, Survey Finds

This article documents findings from a survey that was conducted by the Education Week Research Center for the 2016 edition of Technology Counts. The results of the survey suggested that teachers, on the whole, still face systemic challenges in adapting their instruction to new technologies in transformative ways. The survey was conducted online in April 2016, with participation… Read More ›

Measures that Matter Most

This report marks the first time the Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC) has asked their networks of innovators to lend their voices to a critical set of questions: how should NGLC go about measuring the success of an educational innovation? And what measures matter most? Next Generation Learning Challenges represents some of the nation’s most innovative… Read More ›

Competency-Based Education at Work: An In-Depth Look

This brief produced by Digital Promise provides an in-depth look at the ins and outs of competency-based education—an approach that focuses on students mastering a specific skill or piece of knowledge—as well as stories from districts across the country that have garnered results from competency-based education. Source Organization: Digital Promise  Visit the Resource

Project-Based Learning at Harmony Public Schools

This brief provides an overview of Harmony Public School’s project-based learning vision, design, and approach, concluding with a few key considerations for districts as they explore implementation of project-based learning. Teachers need instructional practices that impart more sophisticated and higher-order thinking and analytical skills for students across the achievement spectrum. To meet this challenge, many… Read More ›