Equal Opportunity for Deeper Learning

This report calls for fundamental changes in curriculum, assessment, and policy to ensure equity among students regardless of socioeconomic status. The quality of instruction for low-income students and students of color is increasingly becoming a concern in the United States. Access to a more rigorous curriculum for underserved students can bridge gaps by equipping students… Read More ›

4 Things Innovative Districts Do To Improve Graduation Rates

This article looks at practices from Digital Promise’s League of Innovative Schools, a coalition of forward-thinking districts and leaders across the country, who are committed to improving the opportunity to learn for all of their students through technology and research. The article offers examples from schools across the nation that are providing new ways for access… Read More ›

Six Next-Gen Learning Hubs: Assets, Partners and Challenges

This article highlights six regions (including New England) in the nation that are experimenting with innovative approaches to education reform. These “hubs” will take on next generation learning strategies based on research, best practices, and access to emerging technologies. The article acknowledges assets, partners, and challenges for each region. Source Organization: Getting Smart Visit the… Read More ›

The Learning Policy Institute

This organization is a national education think tank focused on K-12 learning. The Learning Policy Institute conducts, commissions, and communicates high-quality research to shape policies that support equitable and empowering learning for all children. The Learning Policy Institute’s work includes research and policy analyses surrounding the topics of early childhood learning, deeper learning, educator quality,… Read More ›

Educator Competencies for Personalized, Learner-centered Teaching

Gone is the default image of a teacher—an adult lecturing to students seated neatly in rows, assigning the same textbook pages to everyone, and administering the same quiz on the same day to the entire class, with the expectation of a “normal distribution” of achievement along a bell curve. Instead, teachers in personalized, learner-centered settings… Read More ›

Students at the Center Research Series

Students at the Center began with a series of nine research papers, developed in partnership between Jobs for the Future and the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, drawing attention to the importance of engaging each student in acquiring the skills, knowledge and expertise needed for success in college and a career. In fall 2013, Students at… Read More ›

Getting Started in Education Organizing: Resources and Strategies

This guide provides strategies and resources to support community organizing for education reform. It is designed for community organizations that have some previous experience with organizing and want to tackle disparities in the education system. The guide outlines how organizing for education reform differs from other organizing efforts. It explores how to build a base… Read More ›

Integrated Learning Systems to Support Student-Centered Learning

  At the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, we’re committed to creating more equitable and effective education systems — so that all New England students are ready for college and career. In our research, we’ve found that among New England high school students, roughly only half are ready for post-secondary education — meaning they can enter a… Read More ›

International Association for K-12 Online Learning (Aurora Institute)

This organization works to improve student access to personalized, mastery-based educational opportunities through quality online, blended, and competency learning programs. This membership organization advocates for relevant policies and educates policy-makers; develops national quality standard, supports development and implementation of new learning models; and builds communities of practice. The site includes many resources for school and… Read More ›

New York City’s School of the Future from Edutopia’s Schools That Work Series

This group of tools documents the assessment work at School for the Future, a 6-12 grade school in Manhattan. The school has shown success by using authentic assessments to gauge students’ understanding of fundamental concepts and development of critical thinking skills. The assessment guide foster teaching and learning in positive ways. Formative assessment helps teachers… Read More ›

Expanding Opportunity: The Potential of Anywhere, Anytime Learning

This issue of the Family Involvement Network of Educators newsletter explores the importance of engaging families in anytime, anywhere learning. There is growing understanding of the importance of inequalities in access to interest-driven learning out of the traditional school day in afterschool and summer activities and programs, at cultural institutions, and through digital media. However,… Read More ›

Five Professional Development Resources that Promote Family Engagement

This article provides advice and resources to help schools and community organizations provide high quality professional development around family engagement. The five tips covered include incorporating family engagement into professional development systematically, using digital platforms to connect with families, and providing educators with clear examples of family engagement practices. The article also describes and links… Read More ›