Every Student Succeeds Act Primer: High School Dropout Prevention and Reengagement of Out-of-School Youth

This three-page document provides a comprehensive overview of the Every Student Succeeds Act and its provisions that support High School Dropout Prevention and Reengagement of Out-of-School Youth. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015 includes provisions that support state and district efforts to prevent students from dropping out of high school, and to reengage out-of-school youth. It… Read More ›

Pittsfield Listens!

This organization brings community members together in a safe and authentic way to share ideas, get informed, discuss issues, support solutions, and help make Pittsfield, New Hampshire, a great place for everyone to live, learn, work, and play. Source Organization: Pittsfield Listens! Visit the Resource

Parents and Youth for Change

Parents and Youth for Change (PYC) helps everyday people make real change in education together, building the collective power of students and parents to improve opportunities for youth by organizing themselves to research an issue and push forward solutions. PYC provides the structure and support for untapped wisdom, leadership, and capacity in the community. It… Read More ›

Maine Youth Action Network

This program contributes to creating healthier and more productive schools and communities in Maine by ensuring youth are aware of, informed about, and taking action on critical issues that affect them. Main Youth Action Network (MYAN) is a program of The Opportunity Alliance. The Opportunity Alliance works with people to build better lives and stronger communities.… Read More ›

School Counselor Advocacy Letter

The School Counselor Advocacy Letter was created with counselors and is addressed to teachers, school leaders, and other staff. The goal of the letter is to open a conversation about the areas in which counselors can be valuable team members in the changing 21st century learning environment. With a greater emphasis on college and career… Read More ›

Reflection Tool For 21st Century Learning

Supporting college and career readiness by fostering soft skills—sometimes called essential skills, is an important area of student-centered work. Working with the staff and students at C-Town Tech, a new information technology program at Charlestown High School, located in Boston, the Students at the Center Hub team developed the Reflection Tool For 21st Century Learning to support… Read More ›

Future Ready Learning: Reimagining the Role of Technology in Education

This report, the National Education Technology Plan, sets a national vision and plan for learning enabled by technology through building on the work of leading education researchers; district, school, and higher education leaders; classroom teachers; developers; entrepreneurs; and nonprofit organizations. Our schools, community colleges, and universities should be incubators of exploration and invention. Educators should be… Read More ›

10 Trends to Personalized Learning in 2016

This article focuses on three main concepts for trends to personalized learning predicted for 2016, starting with learners and teachers, and pulling together everything with culture and community that encompass the 10 trends. Personalized learning is happening now and will expand worldwide in 2016. Yet there are still different definitions for personalized learning and some… Read More ›

When Restorative Justice in Schools Works

This article outlines an alternative discipline program- restorative justice which is gaining popularity in public schools from Maine to Oregon. Early adopters of the practice report dramatic declines in school-discipline problems, as well as improved climates on campuses and even gains in student achievement. In traditional school-discipline programs, students face an escalating scale of punishments for… Read More ›