Student Research for Action

From 2003 – 2006, What Kids Can Do provided competitive grants to high school students nationwide, inviting them to tackle important school and community issues. Here we provide a rich archive of this initiative. Student Research for Action sends several critical messages: that complex problem solving, independent judgment, and teamwork merit a place in every… Read More ›

Innovating Under Pressure: The Story of the 2009 Recovery Act Summer Youth Employment Initiative

This study documents the implementation of the ARRA summer youth employment initiative in four featured communities: Chicago, Illinois; Detroit, Michigan; Indianapolis and Marion County, Indiana; and Phoenix and Maricopa County, Arizona. This report describes the local context for implementation, provides insight into specific assets and innovations that were used to achieve the community goals, identifies… Read More ›

Liberty Mutual Mentoring Initiative: Mentoring. Modeling. More.

This report highlights key findings of the multi-phased research study conducted by the Donahue Institute. In 2003, Liberty Mutual launched the Liberty Mutual Mentoring Initiative (LMMI), a $1 million commitment to mentoring that provides grants and technical assistance to mentoring programs throughout Massachusetts, as well as funds relevant to research. In 2004, Liberty Mutual, in… Read More ›

Unfinished Work: Building Excellence in Washington DC’s Summer Youth Employment Program

This study by Brandeis University identifies best practices and examines the potential of Washington DC’s Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) as currently organized to provide the city’s young people with an introduction to work, with opportunities to earn money over the summer, and with positive learning experiences that support their future employability. Source Organization: Center… Read More ›

The Glossary of Education Reform

The Glossary of Education Reform ( is a public, online resource that defines and describes major terms, concepts, and strategies in public-education reform. The Glossary of Education Reform was created to help journalists, parents, and community members-anyone with an interest or investment in our public schools-understand some of the major reform concepts being discussed by… Read More ›

National Evaluation of Learn and Serve America, Summary Report

In 1993, the National and Community Service Trust Act (P.L. 103-82) established the Learn and Serve America School and Community-Based Programs to support school and community-based efforts to involve school-aged youth in community service. Between 1994 and 1997, Brandeis University’s Center for Human Resources and Abt Associates Inc. conducted an evaluation of the national Learn… Read More ›

ELO: Beyond Classroom

This website is written for New Hampshire educators who are ready to explore student learning outside the traditional classroom. Here you can find information, tools, and resources to help educators understand what extended learning opportunities (ELOs) are (as defined in New Hampshire), how they work, and and they can be used at schools. This website… Read More ›

The College Pathways Tools Series

The complete tool set provides all the Beating-the-Odds study tools in one publication: a framework and rubric, a student survey, a focus group protocol for students, and a focus group protocol and parent handout for families. Together, these tools enable high schools and their partners to get a multifaceted look at how well they are preparing students… Read More ›

TIPS For Administrators, Teachers, and Families: How to Share Data Effectively

This document provides strategies for how school leaders & teachers can use data to inform and support student-centered approaches to learning. The tools and strategies (TIPS) included address some of the following: data sharing among teachers, sharing data with and helping families make use of data, and preparing to share data with families. Source Organization: Harvard… Read More ›

Spotlight: The Changing State of Assessments

This article addresses how formative assessments support teaching and learning as well as how testing is changing in the common-core era. Additionally, it provides arguments on key factors needed to build high-quality assessments. This is a fee-based resource. Source Organization: Education Week VISIT THE RESOURCE

Putting Students at the Center: A Reference Guide

Today, we know more than ever about how students learn. Education researchers have identified key components of college and career readiness, while research in the cognitive sciences has revealed the neurological pathways of effective learning and shown how it affects the brain. This reference guide from the Nellie Mae Education Foundation delves deep into the principles… Read More ›