Digital Promise League of Innovative Schools

This organization connects forward-thinking district leaders from across the country. Members work together on shared priorities, partnering with leading entrepreneurs, researchers, and education leaders to improve outcomes for students and solve challenges facing K-12 schools through learning technology and research. The League of Innovative Schools is: A network of superintendents and district leaders leveraging technology to… Read More ›

Scaffolding Discussion Skills With a Socratic Circle

 This video includes footage of students engaging in deep dialogue with the help of scaffolding to help support learning. It also features conversation with education experts. This video will be of interest to educators of any subject. It is the first in what will be a bigger series of 20 plus videos in the How… Read More ›

How Teachers Designed a School Centered On Caring Relationships

This issue of the MindShift podcast and accompanying article features Social Justice Humanitas Academy, a district pilot school in Los Angeles, designed and run by teachers. Teachers identified the practices they knew helped students succeed. Supports include an advisory program, grade-level teaching teams, office hours, a high student-counselor ratio, and a fully integrated model for English… Read More ›

Individualized Learning Plans for College and Career Readiness

This report from National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC), in partnership with Hobsons, examines how states and schools are using Individual Learning Plans (ILPs). ILPs developed by students in collaboration with educators to support their academic and career futures through goal setting and tracking, are being used in schools around the country. The research summarized… Read More ›

Supporting Youth Organizing: A Tale of Unexpected Insights

This brief, written by Algorhythm and funded by the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, discusses the ways in which grantmakers can effectively support successful youth-adult partnerships. The report presents findings from an evaluation of 8 grantees and synthesizes lessons learned from the foundation’s youth organizing work over five years. Through this report, leaders at other philanthropic organizations interested… Read More ›

Inside the Fishbowl: A Tool for Student Discussions

In this article, a teacher shares her experiences using relevant world events as topics for deep, student-led discussions. She has found the approach engages students and puts them in charge of their learning on the topic. It also builds social emotional skills, such as empathy, and has strengthened her classroom community. This article offers an… Read More ›

Understanding implementation of proficiency-based education in Maine

Education Development Center (EDC) conducted this study as part of the Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative’s initial cycle of research. The team at EDC worked alongside fellow scholars, educators and policymakers to investigate the impact of specific student-centered practices and then translate their findings for cross-sector audiences. EDC’s final report, Understanding Implementation of Proficiency-Based Education in… Read More ›

Why Giving Kids a Roadmap to Their Brain Can Make Learning Easier

This article discusses the work of Imagine Scholar, a youth and educational development initiative in South Africa, to help students understand the science of learning. Throughout the four year program, students learn about growth mindset, memory, neuroplasticity, and how the adolescent brain works. They are also taught and given opportunities to practice many metacognitive strategies to… Read More ›

The Opportunity Myth

This report showcases the findings from a large study conducted by The New Teacher Project (TNTP) in an effort to answer the question, “How can so many students be graduating from high school unprepared to meet their goals for college and careers?”. TNTP partnered with five diverse school systems, rural and urban, district and charter, to listen… Read More ›

Abolishing the phrase “I’m not a math person” Tech High Graduate School of Education (HTH) conducted this study as part of the Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative’s initial cycle of research. The team at HTH worked alongside fellow scholars, educators, and policymakers to investigate the impact of specific student-centered practices and then translate their findings for cross-sector audiences. HTH’s final report, Abolishing the… Read More ›

Learning With Others: A Study Exploring the Relationship Between Collaboration, Personalization, and Equity

American Institutes for Research (AIR) conducted this study as part of the Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative’s initial cycle of research. The team at AIR worked alongside fellow scholars, educators and policymakers to investigate the impact of specific student-centered practices and then translate their findings for cross-sector audiences. AIR’s final report, Learning with Others: A Study Exploring… Read More ›

Maximizing Student Agency: Implementation of Student-Centered Learning Approaches American Institutes for Research (AIR) conducted this study as part of the Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative’s initial cycle of research. The team at AIR worked alongside fellow scholars, educators, and policymakers to investigate the impact of specific student-centered practices and then translate their findings for cross-sector audiences. AIR’s final report, Maximizing Student Agency: Implementation of… Read More ›