Students Learn to Put the ‘Civil’ in Civil Discourse

This article looks at the efforts at Overland High School, near Denver, CO to help students learn to engage in civil discourse. Students in government class learn important 21st century skills as they engage in “deliberations,” a form of structured civil discourse, in which students must argue on both sides of a relevant topic like gun control… Read More ›

Teachers Want Education Research. The Feds Spend Millions on It. So Why Can’t It Get to the Classroom?

The initial results of the Institute of Education Sciences’ listening tour on teacher priorities highlight both an urgent need for new studies—in areas like technology, student trauma, and educational equity—and better outreach on existing research. “In the field research sessions … IES representatives were not allowed to talk. They were just there to listen. And it was fascinating… Read More ›

Promoting Productive Problem Finding

As an educator dedicated to student-centered learning principles and project-based learning, I cringe to my core when I hear a teacher say, “Come up with 3 ideas for your project, and bring them to class tomorrow.” Students can’t come up with high-quality, relevant, meaningful ideas for investigation on command. Idea-development takes time, creativity, and research;… Read More ›

Developing Assessments for Learning That Lead to Equity

This blog post explores ways in which assessment can become a lever for equity by shifting its purpose from comparing and sorting students to supporting deeper learning. It features the efforts at Del Lago Academy of Applied Sciences (DLA); a small public high school in Escondido, California; to use assessment in a meaningful way to support student’s… Read More ›

Agriculture Students Harness Innovation

This article looks at the reworking of one district’s agricultural program to incorporate more 21st century skills. Across the country instruction in many agricultural classes now emphasizes inquiry, project-based learning, and technology. Students are exposed to the fields of data science, genetics, biotechnology, robotics, veterinary science, and food science to prepare for careers of the… Read More ›

How Teachers Designed a School Centered On Caring Relationships

This issue of the MindShift podcast and accompanying article features Social Justice Humanitas Academy, a district pilot school in Los Angeles, designed and run by teachers. Teachers identified the practices they knew helped students succeed. Supports include an advisory program, grade-level teaching teams, office hours, a high student-counselor ratio, and a fully integrated model for English… Read More ›

Want to Offer Internships At Your School? A Tool To Make It Easier

This article describe the online tool developed by the Big Picture Learning network to help their schools facilitate and manage internship experiences for their students. The tool, called ImBlaze, includes a searchable database of internship opportunities. Students, then use a phone app to log hours and set goals. The app also encourages more communication between… Read More ›

When Equity and Student-Centered Learning Go Hand in Hand

student at the center

I spent two days at the Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative meeting last week. Kudos to the Student at the Center team for integrating equity and student-centered learning so deeply that they were one and the same. I’ll share three highlights of the meeting: First, Eric Toshalis opened up the meeting with an acknowledgment that the meeting was taking place… Read More ›

Inside the Fishbowl: A Tool for Student Discussions

In this article, a teacher shares her experiences using relevant world events as topics for deep, student-led discussions. She has found the approach engages students and puts them in charge of their learning on the topic. It also builds social emotional skills, such as empathy, and has strengthened her classroom community. This article offers an… Read More ›