Four Steps to Transforming a School

This article looks at the four practices that, taken together, create a transformational school environment; an environment where students exhibit agency by achieving academically and taking ownership of their learning. Source Organization: Getting Smart Visit the Resource

What You Need to Know When Developing Micro-Credentials

This article defines micro-credentials and what the author learned from implementing them. Educators didn’t necessarily know what to expect as they began the journey toward micro-credentials (sometimes called badges), but they were eager to explore the possibility of changing professional learning from seat-time to competency-base to encourage changes in practice. In an effort to help teachers apply… Read More ›

Students Help Design Measures of Social-Emotional Skills

This article explores how Washoe County District, a district in Reno, Nevada, put social-emotional learning in the forefront of their education system. A growing body of research connects skills like responsible decision making, empathy, and responding to emotions with both greater engagement in the classroom and improved academic outcomes. Washoe County District, launched a social-emotional learning… Read More ›

Every Student Succeeds Act Primer: High School Dropout Prevention and Reengagement of Out-of-School Youth

This three-page document provides a comprehensive overview of the Every Student Succeeds Act and its provisions that support High School Dropout Prevention and Reengagement of Out-of-School Youth. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015 includes provisions that support state and district efforts to prevent students from dropping out of high school, and to reengage out-of-school youth. It… Read More ›

The Fantastic New Ways to Teach Math that Most Schools Aren’t Even Using

This article, written by Corey Drake, Associate Professor and Director of Teacher Preparation at Michigan State University’s College of Education discusses a short list of ideas and teaching practices that will support how students learn math, and why it is important for teachers to implement them. The list explores teaching practices that work to make student learning meaningful… Read More ›

5 Ways to Partner With Your School Counselor on the Common Core

This article provides five ways for teachers and administrators to build productive relationships with school counselors in an effort to enhance progress towards school goals. The suggestions are based on an interview with Daniel Peabody, Maryland’s 2015 Middle School Counselor of the Year. Source Organization: Edutopia Visit the Resource

An Exercise in Empathy: When Principals Shadow Students

An Exercise in Empathy: WhPrincipals Shadow Students

This article originally appeared in EdSurge, reposted with permission by author/reporter Blake Montgomery. At 9:25 a.m. on Friday, Mar. 4, Marthaa Torres joined Anderson (his first name), a sophomore at Thurgood Marshall Academic High School in San Francisco, for his College & Career class. She’s not his classmate, though; she’s his principal. Ms. Torres wasn’t there… Read More ›

5 Best Practices for Building a Competency-Based Education Program

This article explores how the business and education sectors are changing because of competency-based education. Competency-based education (CBE) continues to gain much-deserved credit and momentum in both sectors and it’s becoming increasingly clear that competencies are key to aligning education and training with actual business needs. Source Organization: Association for Talent Development  Visit the Resource

The Overwhelming Act of Assessing Writing in a CBE School

This article explores a writing workshop style that enhances a student’s writing experience and helps them to successfully go through the revision process and produce an even better piece of writing the next time around. Source Organization: Competency Works  Visit the Resource