Not a Normal Convening but What’s Normal Anyway?

The Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative hosted its bi-annual grantee convening May 7-8. Our original plans were to meet in Philadelphia and visit with student activists and educators, but like so many of us are doing these days, we shifted everything to virtual. We met on screens rather than in rooms. We connected over Wi-Fi rather… Read More ›

Supporting LGBTQ+ Students During and After School Closures

During school closures, some LGBTQ+ students may be even more vulnerable. In this article, Kimm Topping, an educator and consultant for the Safe Schools Program in Massachusetts, offers practical suggestions to support LGBTQ+ students at home. It also explores how to continue this support once schools reopen. This article offers advice that will be relevant… Read More ›

5 Strategies for Teacher Self-Care

This ASCD Express article focuses on ways for teachers to care for themselves while facing stress. The author, an assistant principal and author of the book My Bad: 24 Educators Who Messed Up, Fessed Up and Grew!, offers strategies to help teachers reduce burnout and prioritize self-care so they can better serve their students. While… Read More ›

Unleashing Your Innovative Genius: A Conversation with Deborah Olatunji

This is a transcript of an interview with Deborah Olatunji, a high school student from Delaware who recently authored a new book, Unleashing Your Innovative Genius: High School Redesigned, with the goal of igniting young people across the country to realize they have the power to transform education. The interview covers her educational journey including her… Read More ›

Formative Assessment in Distance Learning

Formative assessment at a distance is challenging but possible. This article discusses how to check for understanding and provide meaningful feedback to students working remotely. The author offers specific tips such as the importance of collecting data over time, providing feedback, and leveraging relationships. This article can be useful to teachers of any subject and… Read More ›

How Top Teachers Make Student Voice a High Priority

This article features advice on how to foster student voice from 6 expert educators. Education Week reporters interviewed winners of the Milken Educator Awards, an annual contest for teachers and principals, about the importance of supporting student voice. The conversations range from the importance of helping students form their own questions to the role of… Read More ›

“It’s Our Right…”: The Opportunities Gained by Helping Students of Color Practice Resisting Racism

In this article, two authors discuss lessons they learned about supporting student activism during research for their book, Schooling for Critical Consciousness: Engaging Black and Latinx Youth in Analyzing, Navigating, and Challenging Racial Injustice. They share examples that illustrate the importance of supporting actions taken by students to protest rather than simply teaching about systemic… Read More ›

10 Steps to Incorporating Student Voice into Remote Learning

This article offers advice to help teachers foster student voice through remote learning. The authors begin by asserting the critical importance of student voice to engage students and give them a sense of control during closures due to COVID-19. The authors discuss the importance of connecting with students on a personal level, encouraging feedback, and… Read More ›

Students Will Go Back to School Eventually

This article offers practical advice for schools and districts to help students catch up when they return to school after closures due to COVID-19. It includes concrete ideas for possible changes and supports to help students readjust, from changing the length and structure of the school year, to providing tutoring and access to mental health… Read More ›

3 Ways to Use Video Conferencing with Students Learning Remotely

In this article, Catlin Tucker, a veteran teacher, blended learning coach, and author, shares ideas for using video conferencing in student-centered ways. She explores 3 ways to leverage video conferences to foster deeper learning and connections with and amongst students. These include small group instruction, discussions and conferencing with students. These tips will be useful… Read More ›