A New Era for Educational Assessment – Policy Bulletin

This policy bulletin is based on A New Era for Educational Assessment, published by Students at the Center. The report was funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Among education researchers, there is a growing consensus that college and career readiness depends on not just academic knowledge and skills but on a wide range… Read More ›

A New Era for Educational Assessment

Among education researchers, there is a growing consensus that college and career readiness depends on not just academic knowledge and skills but on a wide range of social and developmental competencies, as well—such as the ability to monitor one’s own learning, persist at challenging tasks, solve complex problems, set realistic goals, and communicate effectively in… Read More ›

The Past and The Promise: Today’s Competency Education Movement Executive Summary

Competency education is attracting significant interest as a promising way to help meet our national priority of ensuring that all young people are ready for college and careers. In competency-based schools, students advance at different rates, based on their ability to demonstrate mastery of learning objectives. Teachers provide customized supports to help propel everyone to… Read More ›

The Past and the Promise: Today’s Competency Education Movement

This report, the first in the Students at the Center’s new Competency Education Research Series lays a foundation for assessing the potential of competency-based models, grounded in an exploration of the outcomes from previous like-minded efforts. Recent research and theory from the learning sciences show that a personalized approach to competency education may help better… Read More ›

Putting Students at the Center: A Reference Guide

Today, we know more than ever about how students learn. Education researchers have identified key components of college and career readiness, while research in the cognitive sciences has revealed the neurological pathways of effective learning and shown how it affects the brain. This reference guide from the Nellie Mae Education Foundation delves deep into the principles… Read More ›

What is Student-Centered Learning? (brochure)

Why should education be one-size fits all? Learning doesn’t stop when the final bell rings. Does your brain only work when you’re sitting in a chair? How do we prepare today’s learners for tomorrow’s economy? Learn more about student-centered learning from this Nellie Mae Education brochure.   Download this brochure >


PBLWorks “builds the capacity of teachers to design and facilitate quality Project Based Learning and the capacity of school and system leaders to set the conditions for teachers to implement great projects with all students.” Developed by: Buck Institute for Education Audience: Educators, administrators, and parents Potential Use: Professional development This is a great site… Read More ›

Ready for College and Career?

What will it really take to ensure more youth are prepared to thrive in the 21st century? This report finds that a range of cross-cutting skills like communication, innovation and self-regulation are crucial to student success. Student-centered approaches to learning can equip students with a range of skills necessary to do well on the Common… Read More ›

Student-Centered Learning: Impact Academy of Arts and Technology

With a distinct focus on personalization and student engagement, Impact Academy of Arts and Technology High School (Impact Academy) stands out as a unique learning environment when compared to neighboring comprehensive high schools. At Impact Academy, students are expected to know how to synthesize information, determine what’s important, and present what they’ve learned. The school’s… Read More ›

Student-Centered Learning: City Arts and Technology High School

City Arts and Technology High School (CAT) emphasizes a strong student-centered focus, student-based inquiry, self-reflection, student exhibitions and portfolio defenses, and ongoing professional development for teachers. CAT holds students to high academic expectations by nurturing strong relationships with the students and coherent instructional approaches and expectations to help provide consistency for their students, many of… Read More ›

Student-Centered Learning: Life Academy of Health and Bioscience

At Life Academy of Health and Biosciences (Life Academy) in Oakland, California, student voice and choice drives every decision: what and how to teach, what structure will equip students and teachers to know and believe in each other, and how to bring out the best in students. At Life Academy, 99% of the student population… Read More ›

Student-Centered Learning: Dozier-Libbey Medical High School

In this report, the Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education (SCOPE) explores student-centered learning practices at Dozier-Libbey Medical High School (DMHS) in California—a school serving predominately low-income students and students of color. Within just five years of opening, the school has seen achievement levels far exceeding schools with similar student populations. DMHS is using… Read More ›