Student Voice: Experiencing Deeper Learning Through PBL

Although high school student Rahil had some academic struggles after immigrating from Fiji just a few years ago, he found opportunity and purpose in the project-based curriculum at Impact Academy. For more information about deeper learning, visit… Source Organization: edutopia VISIT THE RESOURCE

What Does Deeper Learning Look Like?

In this video, you meet the students and teachers of City Arts and Education Technology (CAT). The high school experience at CAT is entirely focused on supporting students so they can be successful in college, career and life. Staff and students alike are very focused on creating an understanding, a culture, and an expectation of… Read More ›

Assessing Their Own Work: Students as Active Participants

This video, part of a playlist of student-centered ideas showcases how students can be active participants in assessing their own work. For so many years, students would receive grades and not know where they came from, what assignments led up to them, how they would be assessed. Now they’re involved in not only creating the units… Read More ›

Student- centered Learning: How Flipping Creates Choice for Students

Can you imagine giving a classroom of students the ability to create their own class? Brian has done just that by creating a class where choice is king and students have the freedom to work at their own pace. Brian can now encourage and facilitate more relevant, one-to-one learning for his students. Source Organization: TechSmith… Read More ›

Deeper Learning at City Arts and Education Technology High School

In this video, Sha’nice Patterson, a student at one of the Envision schools, talks about the impact CAT had on her education. CAT’s deeper learning approach—emphasizing critical thinking, communications, learning to learn, working collaboratively—helps students master core academic content and prepares them for a 21st century world. Source Organization: Hewlett Foundation

Teaching for Tomorrow: Flipped Learning

How students are learning is changing, just ask Aaron Sams, a Flipped Learning Pioneer. In Flipped Learning, students watch podcasts of their teacher’s lectures on their own time and then spend their time in the classroom applying what they learned at home. This allows students to learn at their own pace with the ability to… Read More ›

How to Learn? From Mistakes

In this TedTalk video, Diana Laufenberg shares three surprising things she has learned about teaching — including a key insight about learning from mistakes. Source Organization: TED

Student-Centered Learning and the Achievement Gap

The Nellie Mae Education Foundation President & CEO Nick Donohue talks about how student-centered learning can help close the achievement gap. Source Organization: The Nellie Mae Education Foundation VISIT THE RESOURCE

Flipping the Classroom Explained

This video, while promotional, gives a high-level overview of “flipping the classroom,” is well-done and accessible. The video is helpful to those who are new to flipped learning. It could be shown to parents and students to explain the model. It could also be used as an introduction for interested teachers. Source Organization: Workday

Student Voices: Improving Education for All Learners, 2013

Produced by CAPSS, representing Connecticut’s superintendents, and CAS, representing Connecticut’s principals, and featuring interviews with winners of the 1st Annual Student Voices in Education Contest. Source Organization: CT NextEd VISIT THE RESOURCE

What is competency-based education?

In a competency-based system, students move ahead when they’ve mastered content, not when they’ve reached a certain birthday or endured the required hours in a classroom. Source Organization: The Nellie Mae Education Foundation VISIT THE RESOURCE