America After 3 PM

By The Afterschool Alliance
October 9, 2016

The hours after school offer opportunities for academic and personal growth outside of the classroom, but many students lack access to quality after school programs. The report, America After 3PM, written by the Afterschool Alliance spans a decade of data. It highlights the trends of afterschool program participation, documents the benefits associated with participation in afterschool programs, and measures public support for such programs. The website includes related resources such as reports and fact sheets on after school in Hispanic, African American, and rural communities.

New England After 3 PM examines the need and work being done in the New England to increase public support and availability. While this report were written in 2006, it provides a good overview of past progress in New England and offers practical recommendations for citizens, officials, and community leaders to develop a regional push for afterschool programs for all.

Source Organization: Afterschool Allience


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