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Education Commission of the States

By Education Commission of the States
December 31, 2015

This organization was created in 1965 for state policy makers to share education research and expertise with each other. Today Education Commission of the States (ECS) provides state policy makers advice and consultation on policy plans and proposed legislation, testimony at legislative hearings, policy research on any education topic, and connections to state leaders grappling with similar policy issues.

While ECS is designed to serve state policymakers, there are many resources on its website useful for educators, school and district leaders, school board members, and the general public. For example, anyone can sign up for the ECS newsletter, read the ECS blog, or view past webinars to stay current on education policy news. The site also provides detailed information on 3 ECS initiatives: college readiness, state financial aid, and civic learning and engagement. Of particular interest is ECS’s expansive database of education research and reports. In addition to a traditional search bar feature; research is also organized into high-level issue areas such as accountability and civic education, which can be further refined by grade level and resource type; making the database very user-friendly.

Source Organization: Education Commission of the States

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