This report documents the state of digital learning across the country each year. The 2015 report follows the shift in the larger landscape towards more school control of online learning with more emphasis on the users and developers of digital learning and more school program examples throughout. First the authors provide a broad report on the state of digital learning, including the history and current landscape. Next they look at online learning activity in k-12 schools, including public schools and districts, charter schools, private schools, university schools serving K–12 students, and home schools. The third section discusses the many suppliers of online education as well as the role of vendors and intermediate suppliers in the “online learning supply chain.” In addition this section reviews the place of state agency oversight and support services. The report finishes up with a review of federal and state policies that impact digital learning, though they may not be directly addressing it as they did in earlier years when digital learning was first emerging.
This report is a must read for policy makers and educators.
Source Organization: Evergreen Education Group