Introducing the Fuse Architect Schools: 360 High School

  A Providence Public School, 360 High School (360) opened its doors in 2015 with 80 students entering 9th grade. It is one of two schools in Providence that have been chosen to participate in the Fuse Architect project (Central High School being the other, which was featured in another blog post). This new high… Read More ›

Introducing the Fuse Architect Schools – Central High School

  Central High School (Central) is the second school from the Providence Public School District selected for the Fuse Architect program. Central High School is actively working to become a more student-centered and student-directed school. Central’s Fuse Architect design team believes that “anytime, anywhere learning” is an important part of building an educational model that… Read More ›

Introducing the Fuse Architect Schools – Barrington High School

  The only high school within the district of Barrington Public Schools, the school population information for the 2016-17 school year is shared in the table below. # of students % of Free and Reduced Lunch % of English as a Second Language % of Special Education Services 1000 6% 1% 11% Barrington High School… Read More ›

Fuse Architects Take Off in 2017

  What if the best way to make decisions about education technology starts off with not thinking about technology at all? This is the approach the Fuse Architect project took as they began their work this past spring. Rather than jumping into product selection, Fuse Architect participants spent the first phase thinking much more broadly.… Read More ›

Highlander Institute Seeks Systems Change through Fuse Architect Initiative

  How do you move from a vision for integrated learning systems to classrooms where multiple education technology (edtech) tools seamlessly work together to support student-centered learning? With a new award from NMEF, the Highlander Institute is tackling that question through a multi-phased project called Fuse Architect. To kickoff Fuse Architect, Highlander Institute rigorously vetted… Read More ›

Integrated Learning Systems Grant Initiative Webinar Series: Episode One

In the introductory episode of the Integrated Learning Systems Grant Initiative Webinar series, Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute, Highlander Institute, and the Nellie Mae Education Foundation discuss the details of the Integrated Learning Systems grant initiative which is focused on designing student-centered learning environments across Rhode Island.

Integrated Learning Systems to Support Student-Centered Learning

  At the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, we’re committed to creating more equitable and effective education systems — so that all New England students are ready for college and career. In our research, we’ve found that among New England high school students, roughly only half are ready for post-secondary education — meaning they can enter a… Read More ›

Highlander Institute Awarded NMEF’s Integrated Learning Systems Grant

  What is the formula for designing a statewide initiative to leverage technology for student-centered learning? Highlander Institute is testing out their plan for this over the next year and a half, thanks to the Nellie Mae Education Foundation’s (NMEF’s) Integrated Learning Systems grant. A nonprofit organization based in Providence, Rhode Island, Highlander Institute leverages… Read More ›

Making Student-Centered Learning A Reality? Nellie Mae’s Integrated Learning Systems Grant Program

  How will the vision of student-centered learning become a reality? The Nellie Mae Education Foundation (NMEF) sought to address a piece of the puzzle through their recent Integrated Learning Systems request for proposals. The implementation of student-centered learning requires fundamental changes away from traditional practices. It involves complex, data-intensive tasks like differentiating instruction for… Read More ›