18 Examples of State Policies that Support Competency-Based Programs

This article provides brief examples of state initiatives that support competency education. It includes initiatives identified as exemplars during the course of research conducted by Getting Smart. The examples are organized by features, including: Flexibility from time-based systems Competency-based diplomas Acceptance of competency-based diplomas and credits by higher education Flexible learning State assessments Innovation pilots… Read More ›

EdTech Connect Venture Cafe

Venture Cafe’s Ed-Tech mini-conference, “Innovation in Education & Educational  Services” takes place on August 30th, 2018. This special ‘conference night’ event seeks to bring together the brightest minds who are building, funding, and innovating in the Greater Boston area’s Education Community. This event will provide opportunities not only hear the best ideas and see the latest… Read More ›

Fit for Purpose: Taking the Long View on Systems Change and Policy to Support Competency Education

iNACOL will host a webinar to explore details of a CompetencyWorks report discussing the long game in moving toward personalized, competency-based education.  Fit for Purpose: Taking the Long View on Systems Change and Policy to Support Competency Education, released earlier this year, introduces four “threshold concepts” to help think differently about what is possible in an… Read More ›

Let Student Voices Ring—In and Out of School

Imagine building a bonfire in a local park—legally, of course. You start throwing in file folders filled with papers, and somehow your laptop ends up in there too. Before you know it, everything you’ve collected, catalogued, and annotated is burning in the fire. When faced with the concept of student-led classrooms, many educators visualize something… Read More ›

Leveraging Digital Depth for Responsive Learning Environments

This paper explores the potential for wearables, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) to help create more responsive learning environments that: Increase student engagement Enhance the personalization of learning Increase understanding of others’ experiences and perspectives Help develop greater levels of self-awareness Foster critical thinking Increase student agency The paper presents a frame for… Read More ›

Designing for Equity: Leveraging Competency-Based Education to Ensure All Students Succeed

This Competency Works publication offers equity strategies for personalized, competency-based education to ensure a more equitable K-12 education system. Competency-based education systems, designed to ensure all students achieve success, hold promise as a uniquely powerful model for fostering equity, but only if equity is an intentional design feature embedded in the culture, structure and pedagogy.… Read More ›

How Immigration Enforcement Policies Are Impacting Students and Teachers Nationwide

As immigration enforcement intensifies around the country, schools see the impacts firsthand on a variety of stakeholders – students, families, educators, and communities. While many of these impacts have been documented anecdotally through the news media and on social media, researchers at University of California, Los Angeles have recently published a series of papers with detailed… Read More ›

The Secret Life of the Teenage Brain

This webinar, hosted by Alliance for Excellent Education, will feature recent scientific developments on the teenage brain. Latest research shows that adolescence is the second most active time of neurodevelopment in a human’s life. This webinar will focus on the implications of teenage brain changes and what they mean for educators. This webinar will be… Read More ›

Equity by Design in Learning Technologies

This report looks at equity in access to and application of new technologies that support learning. The report is a synthesis of in-depth conversations at a convening of leading researchers, educators, and technologists. It outlines the challenges and explores how learning technologies can provide the greatest benefits for the most vulnerable learners. This podcast provides… Read More ›


In this podcast, eight student interns report stories from inside New York City’s segregated high school system. From the extreme lack of diversity in specialized high schools to racial disparities in sports access, the team is looking into the policies that maintain a dual system. This episode, the introduction to Season 2 features two students… Read More ›

Learning Strategies as Metacognitive Factors: A Critical Review

This report provides an introduction to learning strategies. In many student-centered classrooms the use of “learning strategies” to support student growth and learning is replacing the practice of teaching to different “learning styles”. This report looks at metacognitive learning strategies, self-regulatory strategies, and task-oriented techniques. It discusses how to develop these in the classroom. It… Read More ›