Digital Promise Research Map

This database managed by Digital Promise brings together thousands of research articles on key education practices. The database is searchable and organized to allow the user to see relationships between topics and subtopics. The database includes  student-centered learning topics such as: Student motivation, Cognition and learning Online learning The website features an “Ask A Researcher” section… Read More ›

How to Combine Rigor with Engagement

This article, written by two prominent researchers in the deeper learning world, offers solutions and strategies to the question “How do we go beyond basic skills and infuse instruction with opportunities for authentic investigations and risk taking?” The article highlights that many teachers are yearning to infuse their classrooms with greater rigor and vitality. Based… Read More ›

To Engage Students and Teachers, Treat Core Subjects Like Extracurriculars

This article shares varied examples from schools across the country that have implemented a project-based learning model in which core classes mimic extracurricular projects and activities. Researchers Jal Mehta and Sarah Fine have been observing school systems over six years to try to understand what promotes deeper learning. They found that in many school environments students were… Read More ›

Do I Have a Voice? Student Ownership Drives Engagement Among Urban Youth

Student disengagement is a rampant problem in our schools. It can lead to lack of participation and effort, behavioral problems, disaffection and withdrawal, and failure to invest deeply in learning. According to national studies, more than 50 percent of students show signs of disengagement (Yazzie-Mintz, 2007; Yazzie-Mintz & McCormick, 2012). The consequences are especially severe… Read More ›

Research Collaborative Seminar: What We’ve Done, Where We’re Going

The Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative launched in November 2016 with over 100 researchers, practitioners, and policymakers coming together to break down silos and advance the field. Join Eric Toshalis, Research Director at Jobs for the Future, as he kicks off the second year of the Research Collaborative by highlighting its exciting progress, future plans, and… Read More ›

Atlanta Educators Reflect on Lessons From Personalized Learning Initiative

This article shares the experiences of educators implementing personalized learning in Fulton County School District in Georgia. It explores the teacher’s five-year journey to find the approach to personalization that worked for them and their students. Key lessons learned include: The importance of support for teachers throughout implementation The need to have a common language around… Read More ›

High-Impact Strategies to Provide Access to All Students

This article offers practical strategies for creating an educational environment that embraces the ideas of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). UDL is a research based framework that provides more flexible and broad learning options to give all students, especially those with disabilities, access to important learning experiences. The author offers teaching strategies with varied examples,… Read More ›

Helping English Language Learners Meet their Full Potential

The United States has always been, and continues to be, a nation of immigrants. These immigrants are not only raising our youth, but in many cases they are our youth. And they bring important skills with them. But when it comes to educating students for whom English is not primarily spoken at home (English Language… Read More ›

EdSurge Fusion Conference

This conference brings together education leaders, thinkers, researchers and technologists who are putting personalized learning into practice. The event features unique conference strands centered on Vision, Research, Implementation, and Evidence; as well as facilitated cohorts engineered to strengthen education leader network connections across the country. Attendees will build professional relationships with peers, gain knowledge to… Read More ›

Informing Progress Insights on Personalized Learning Implementation and Effects

This report and accompanying research brief, written by the RAND Corporation and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, synthesizes findings from a study of the personalized learning (PL) practices at schools in the  Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC)’s Breakthrough School Models program. Researchers identified the PL strategies used and implementation challenges faced by these schools… Read More ›