Scholars: Better Gauges Needed for ‘Mindset,’ ‘Grit’

This article, explores the concepts of “growth mindset” and ‘grit,” the reasons why these concepts are vital to modern education, and the potential errors in research methods when identifying these qualities in students. Growth mindset—the belief that intelligence and other skills are not fixed, but can be improved through effort— and grit—the ability to sustain interest over a long period… Read More ›

Financing Personalized Learning: What Can We Learn From First-Generation Adopters?

This paper takes the first systematic look at costs associated with implementing personalized learning schools, how leaders of these schools choose to allocate their funds, and what it might take to make personalized learning financially sustainable on public dollars. Researchers at the Center on Reinventing Public Education (CRPE), in partnership with Afton Partners, studied 16… Read More ›

Introducing the Fuse Architect Schools – Central Falls High School

  Led by assistant principal Amy Burns and principal Troy Silvia, Central Falls High School (CFHS) is dedicated to helping students meet their graduation requirements and preparing them to make informed decisions around post-secondary opportunities. The school reform plan (SRP) goals at CFHS include increasing the graduation rate, improving English and math proficiency, and decreasing… Read More ›

Introducing the Fuse Architect Schools – Narragansett High School

Narragansett High School, led by Principal Daniel Warner, is a high performing school located in Narragansett, RI. Principal Warner believes that personalized learning is a key element of growth for Narragansett and that meeting students “where they are” is very important to all teachers. Narragansett Demographics # of students % of Free and Reduced Lunch… Read More ›

Introducing the Fuse Architect Schools: 360 High School

  A Providence Public School, 360 High School (360) opened its doors in 2015 with 80 students entering 9th grade. It is one of two schools in Providence that have been chosen to participate in the Fuse Architect project (Central High School being the other, which was featured in another blog post). This new high… Read More ›

Introducing the Fuse Architect Schools – Central High School

  Central High School (Central) is the second school from the Providence Public School District selected for the Fuse Architect program. Central High School is actively working to become a more student-centered and student-directed school. Central’s Fuse Architect design team believes that “anytime, anywhere learning” is an important part of building an educational model that… Read More ›

Introducing the Fuse Architect Schools – Barrington High School

  The only high school within the district of Barrington Public Schools, the school population information for the 2016-17 school year is shared in the table below. # of students % of Free and Reduced Lunch % of English as a Second Language % of Special Education Services 1000 6% 1% 11% Barrington High School… Read More ›