Resource Guide on Public Engagement

This guide outlines key practices of effective public engagement. It provides an overview of the National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation’s approach to engagement, called the streams framework. This helpful visual categorizes engagement techniques into four “streams” based on the primary intention or purpose, and shows which methods have proven to be effective in each… Read More ›

Resources for Building Public Understanding of School Redesign in Vermont

This collection of resources provides examples to help schools, districts, or states increase public support for student-centered learning. It includes talking points, FAQs, an “Elevator Speech,” and sample brochures. It also includes an overview of protocols that can be used to facilitate public dialogues. The Shaping Our Future Together statewide campaign from the Agency of… Read More ›

Putting it Back Together Again: Reframing Education Using a Core Story Approach

This memo describes the research conducted on current public understanding of education and lays out a new storyline that can better motivate members of the public to become involved in education reform, supporting student-centered approaches to learning. It outlines the default cultural models the public holds regarding key aspects of education such as the education… Read More ›

The Brainwaves Video Anthology

This video anthology is produced and filmed by Bob Greenberg. The Brainwaves series contains short videos (5-10 minutes long) on ideas and topics of education relevant to student-centered learning in the 21st century. Source Organization: Brainwaves Video Anthology Visit the Resource

#edchatRI Twitter Chat on Student-Centered Learning

The Nellie Mae Education Foundation will be hosting a Twitter chat! Join #EdChatRI (Ed Chat Rhode Island) on Sunday, April 12th from 8 pm – 9 pm EST to talk about student-centered learning in education. You can join the chat simply by following and using the hashtag #EdChatRI. We’ll be tweeting questions with the hashtag… Read More ›

#nhed Twitter chat on Extended Learning Opportunities

The Nellie Mae Education Foundation will be hosting a Twitter chat! Join #nhed (New Hampshire Education) on Sunday, April 19th from 8 pm – 9 pm EST to talk about extended learning opportunities in education. You can join the chat simply by following and using the hashtag #nhed. We’ll be tweeting questions with the hashtag… Read More ›

#edchatME Twitter Chat on Assessment

The Nellie Mae Education Foundation will be hosting a Twitter chat! Join #EdChatME (Ed Chat Maine) on Thursday, April 23rd from 8 pm – 9 pm EST to talk about assessment in education. You can join the chat simply by following and using the hashtag #EdChatME. We’ll be tweeting questions with the hashtag and looking… Read More ›

Frequently Asked Questions and Definitions from Students at the Center

This summary unpacks some of the myths and terms in student-centered learning. Isn’t student-centered just a generic, overused term that means “good stuff for kids”? Is competency education the same as student-centered learning? What about personalization? Students at the Center shares answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about student-centered approaches to teaching and… Read More ›

High School Redesign in Action

High School Redesign in Action is the New England Secondary School Consortium’s sixth annual conference for educators across the country to share success stories, exchange best practices, and continue to build momentum for innovations that will prepare all students for success in the colleges, careers, and communities of the 21st century. WHEN:  Thursday + Friday, March 26–27,… Read More ›


This three minute video discusses reshaping the classroom and system so that learning is personalized, and students have a true voice in their education. We envision an education system where learning transcends the traditional school calendar and setting. We envision a system where students progress based upon mastery of a skill or topic, rather than… Read More ›

#edchatme Twitter chat on Student Voice in Education

The Nellie Mae Education Foundation will be hosting a Twitter chat on Thursday and we hope you can attend! Join #EdChatMe (Ed Chat Maine) this Thursday, March 12th from 8 pm – 9 pm EST to talk about student voice in education. You can join the chat simply by following and using the hashtag #EdChatMe.… Read More ›