Students at the Center Newsletter – October 2013

View the October, 2013 newsletter for the latest publications, articles, tools, and event announcements from Students at the Center! Subscribe to the Students at the Center Mailing List Visit the Resource →

Students at the Center Newsletter- September 2013

Welcome back to school! In this issue, we’re excited to release four new Students at the Center videos that offer an introduction to student-centered self- and peer assessment (along with a companion blog post). In addition, we bring you a report of student-centered approaches to learning in action, an introduction to deeper learning, and seven… Read More ›

Student-centered Assessment Video Suite

What does student-centered assessment look like in the classroom? How do students benefit from this type of assessment? Why do teachers implement these practices in their classrooms? The Students at the Center project, in conjunction with Dr. Heidi Andrade, Ed.D. and the students and teachers from IS 223 (Brooklyn, NY), produced this suite of videos… Read More ›

Students at the Center Newsletter – July/August 2013

Research supporting student-centered approaches to learning continues to mount, deepening interest and excitement from both educators and policymakers. This month we bring you studies pointing to the importance of motivation, engagement, and student voice in education and reinforcing the need for culturally contextualized curricula. We also offer a forecast on the future of learning and… Read More ›

The Brain Science Behind Learning

This commentary delves deeper into the principles behind Students at the Center’s Brainy Approaches to Learning infographic and explains how the brain science behind learning supports the concept of personalized learning. The infographic illustrates research from the report Mind, Brain, and Education that answers the questions: What does brain research tell us about how we… Read More ›

Students at the Center Newsletter – June 2013

Subscribe to the Students at the Center Newsletter > Student-centered approaches to learning continue to gain momentum in the news and in the classroom. This month we bring you articles and resources that resonate across all three areas of the Students at the Center research: Learning Theory, Applying Student-centered Approaches, and Scaling Up Student-centered Approaches… Read More ›

Foreword to Anytime, Anywhere

Foreword by Nicholas C. Donohue, President and CEO, Nellie Mae Education Foundation Foreword excerpt: The greatest opportunity facing our country today is that of sustaining and growing a flourishing society in the context of a fast-changing world. The days are gone when basic schooling coupled with ingenuity and hard work was sufficient for America to… Read More ›

Students at the Center Newsletter- May 2013

In this special edition newsletter, Students at the Center is proud to present Anytime, Anywhere: Student-Centered Learning for Schools and Teachers, along with a series of related tools and resources designed to help educators convert the Students at the Center research into daily practice. Subscribe to the Students at the Center Newsletter > Visit the… Read More ›

Students at the Center Newsletter – April 2013

Discussions of student-centered learning strategies continue to permeate education conversations. This month, we bring you student-centered high school redesign profiles, a critical look at the use of neuroscience research in education, and exciting new assessment tools from the Students at the Center project. Subscribe to the Students at the Center Newsletter > Visit the Resource… Read More ›

Test Your Brain

Educational neuroscience is a new and rapidly changing field, and numerous myths have percolated up through the years, based on unsubstantiated studies, findings taken out of context, and plain old snake-oil salesmen. Neuroeducation researcher Paul Howard-Jones of the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom found a majority of incoming teachers studied in that country… Read More ›

Students at the Center Newsletter – March 2013

National, state, and local policy play an important role in opening the door to the implementation of student-centered learning approaches and ensuring that these practices improve student achievement. This month, we bring you a state policymakers guide to competency education, a mayor dedicated to student-centered approaches to learning, and a competency-based education endorsement from the… Read More ›