Learning While Working: Building 21st Century Competency-Based Apprenticeships

This framework document outlines a set of key steps the National Network of Business and Industry Associations (the National Network) developed to help employers develop competency-based apprenticeships. The approach is applicable across multiple industry sectors and at companies of any size. The National Network launched in late 2013 with the mission to improve economic opportunity and quality of… Read More ›

Voices on Policy to Promote College and Career Readiness

Originally posted on Education Week’s blog on November 4, 2015. In October, Jobs for the Future’s Students at the Center initiative hosted Turning the Corner, a convening of researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and other influential figures from across the education world. We asked participants to discuss a couple of questions in particular: As the No Child… Read More ›

Continuous Improvement in Education

This white paper by Sandra Park, Penny Carver, Lee Nordstrum, and Stephanie Hironaka, provides examples that illustrate how continuous quality improvement methodology is being applied in education toward the goals of making education more efficient, effective, and equitable. The examples are organized in three broad categories: at the level of classroom instruction, system-wide, and improvement efforts with collective… Read More ›

Leading the Way Towards a Stronger New England

An announcement from the Nellie Mae Education Foundation The Nellie Mae Education Foundation is embarking on an ambitious new agenda, one that builds on our position as a promoter of equity and excellence in public education in New England and our recognition that bolder action is required to ensure that all of our young people can… Read More ›

Building Your Roadmap For 21st Century Learning Environments

This resource, developed by the Cable Impacts Foundation, the Partnership for 21st Century Learning and the State Educational Technology Directors Association, is for education leaders interested in transitioning to 21st-century learning environments. Using the Roadmap, educational leaders can determine where their system is and where they need to go in each of the topic areas,… Read More ›

4 Things Innovative Districts Do To Improve Graduation Rates

This article looks at practices from Digital Promise’s League of Innovative Schools, a coalition of forward-thinking districts and leaders across the country, who are committed to improving the opportunity to learn for all of their students through technology and research. The article offers examples from schools across the nation that are providing new ways for access… Read More ›

Virtual Video Tours of Next Gen Learning Schools

This set of videos released by Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC) tours several innovative schools to see Next Generation Learning in action. Each video tour showcases key components of blended, competency-based, personalized learning at NGLC’s Breakthrough schools and other K-12 schools across the country that are transforming learning. Resources are included with each video. Please note… Read More ›

New Blog Series: Students at the Center Everyday

The Students at the Center Hub curates and documents the best student-centered practices online and off to provide the field with strategies to enhance learning experiences for all young people. We prioritize resources, tools, and experiences that reflect the heart of our mission: that all students have access to meaningful opportunities to acquire the skills,… Read More ›

The Learning Policy Institute

This organization is a national education think tank focused on K-12 learning. The Learning Policy Institute conducts, commissions, and communicates high-quality research to shape policies that support equitable and empowering learning for all children. The Learning Policy Institute’s work includes research and policy analyses surrounding the topics of early childhood learning, deeper learning, educator quality,… Read More ›

The Role of Learning Progressions in Competency-Based Pathways

This report focuses on defining learning progressions and learning progressions research, with a particular focus on how state and district leaders can begin to support transitions into competency-based practice. After a 2015 series of conversations with experts in the learning sciences, Achieve convened a set of state leaders, researchers, and practitioners in May 2015 to… Read More ›