On “Diversity and the Unique Needs of Kids in Our Schools” (VIDEO)

JFF interviewed Dr. Eric Toshalis, Lewis & Clark College Graduate School of Ed assistant professor, at the 2012 Students at the Center Symposium in Boston, MA, about the importance of student-centered learning and where it’s heading. The symposium gathered 150 leading practitioners, researchers, policymakers, and funders to discuss the latest research on student-centered approaches to learning. Toshalis… Read More ›

“Each and Every Learner Will Learn” (VIDEO)

JFF interviewed Nicholas C. Donohue, President & CEO of the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, which funded the Students at the Center project. The interview was conducted at the 2012 Students at the Center Symposium in Boston, MA, which gathered 150 leading practitioners, researchers, policymakers, and funders to discuss the latest research on student-centered approaches to learning and… Read More ›

“It’s Not Just for Literacy Development, It’s for Their Lives” (VIDEO)

JFF interviewed Dr. Alfred W. Tatum, University of Illinois at Chicago associate professor, at the 2012 Students at the Center Symposium in Boston, MA, about the importance of student-centered learning and where it’s heading. The symposium gathered 150 leading practitioners, researchers, policymakers, and funders to discuss the latest research on student-centered approaches to learning. Tatum wrote Literacy Practices… Read More ›

“Building a Field: The Students at the Center Project” (VIDEO)

JFF interviewed Dr. Beth M. Miller, Director of Research & Evaluation for the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, which funded the Students at the Center project. The interview was conducted at the 2012 Students at the Center Symposium in Boston, MA, which gathered 150 leading practitioners, researchers, policymakers, and funders to discuss the latest research on… Read More ›

“Student Differences: An Asset, Not a Liability” (VIDEO)

JFF interviewed Dr. David Rose, co-founder of CAST (Center for Applied Special Technology), at the 2012 Students at the Center Symposium in Boston, MA, about the importance of student-centered learning and where it’s heading. The symposium gathered 150 leading practitioners, researchers, policymakers, and funders to discuss the latest research on student-centered approaches to learning. Rose wrote Curricular… Read More ›

“Taking Student-centered Learning System-wide” (VIDEO)

JFF interviewed Dr. Amanda Datnow, UC San Diego professor, at the 2012 Students at the Center Symposium in Boston, MA, about the importance of student-centered learning and where it’s heading. The symposium gathered 150 leading practitioners, researchers, policymakers, and funders to discuss the latest research on student-centered approaches to learning. Datnow wrote Changing School District Practices with Ben… Read More ›

Responding to Each Student’s Needs and Interests

Written by Cecilia Le and Rebecca E. Wolfe for CompetencyWorks‘ blog “Learning from the Cutting Edge“: What would an education system look like that responded to each student’s needs and interests – and based their progression on their individual mastery of vital skills and competencies? And what would it take to get there? These were… Read More ›

Changing School District Practices

This report, noting an absence of references to student-centered learning approaches in a subset of high-performing districts, details seven key district characteristics to support innovative approaches in general, and student-centered learning approaches in particular. School districts have an important role to play in opening the door to the implementation of student-centered learning approaches and ensuring… Read More ›

Usable Knowledge

The Usable Knowledge website, managed by the Harvard Graduate School of Education are intended to disseminate key practice and policy lessons derived from current education research. Topic areas include: Leadership and policy Learning and development Decisions through data Community and family Teaching and curriculum Visit the Resource →

Making a Case for Comprehensive Assessment (Exhibition)

Example of an exhibition. project-oriented evaluations that include critiques by outside experts are among the innovations at New York City’s Urban Academy. Editor’s Note: Since this video was filmed in 2001, the Urban Academy has become a member of the New York Performance Assessment Consortium, a coalition of public schools in New York State that uses… Read More ›

Interview with Dayton Teacher

Excerpts from interview with Jolie Ankrom, Spanish teacher, Dayton Early College Academy (DECA) in Ohio | May 26, 2011 “I’m a young teacher, only in my second year of teaching. I don’t think I would be a successful student-centered teacher if I weren’t trained in it. There’s a formal program in Michigan that first year teachers go through…” Access… Read More ›

OECD’s Brain Research Website

OECD’s Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) – Brain and Learning | Learning Sciences and Brain Research project website The culmination of the Brain and Learning project is the publication “Understanding the Brain: The Birth of a New Learning Science”  This enlightening publication is essential reading for all those involved in education as parents, teachers, researchers, policy makers and… Read More ›