Project-Based Teaching: Fine-Tuning Instructional Strategies for Deep Learning

This webinar will explore the importance of Project Based Learning and the deep meaningful learning experience that it can provide. The webinar will also offer suggestions for school leaders and instructional coaches as they support teachers in adopting PBL. Participants will have time to interact with Suzie Boss and John Larmer, coauthors of Project Based Teaching:… Read More ›

Learn Next: A Toolbox for Educators to Transform Practice

Every student deserves access to powerful learning experiences — experiences that help them develop agency, grow their skills and expand their curiosities. Many schools are shifting their practices to be more student-centered in hopes of ultimately developing these qualities in students. We know in transformative environments that the learning and facilitation looks very different. This type of… Read More ›

Reading on Competency-Based Education

This article provides a great overview of key texts to help any educator or education leader better understand competency education. The author provides suggestions for stakeholders at different phases of implementation and understandings, including: Newcomers looking to understand competency education Districts moving to the commitment stage For those looking to anticipate issues and challenges Working… Read More ›

What “Mastery-Based” Can Look Like in the Classroom

This article looks at a competency-based math classroom. It describes how Molly Nealeigh at Piney Grove Elementary School in North Carolina’s Charlotte-Mecklenburg school system uses a block period. She teaches new content for the first section and then lets students work individually, using online “pathways” she has designed. This allows students to progress at their… Read More ›

Coming Soon: New Findings from the Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative

Leaders in education rarely have the bandwidth to comb through technical studies in order to apply research findings in their classroom. JFF’s Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative is cutting through the clutter to deliver useful research findings presented in actionable ways. If you’re an educator, administrator, district leader, or state-level official interested in using student-centered learning… Read More ›

Six Fixes for Proficiency-Based Learning

This article offers practical advice to schools and districts implementing competency based education. Drawing on the groundbreaking work being done in Maine, the author outlines 6 issues that are often encountered when shifting to a proficiency-based system and details solutions. This would be a great read for any district of school leader at the start… Read More ›

North Dakota School District Ready to Make Bold Changes

This article discusses the shift to a competency-based model underway in the Northern Cass School District in North Dakota. The district plans to eliminate all grade levels, allowing students to build their own academic path to high school graduation. The changes are supported by state education policy allowing districts to apply for waivers from specific… Read More ›

18 Examples of State Policies that Support Competency-Based Programs

This article provides brief examples of state initiatives that support competency education. It includes initiatives identified as exemplars during the course of research conducted by Getting Smart. The examples are organized by features, including: Flexibility from time-based systems Competency-based diplomas Acceptance of competency-based diplomas and credits by higher education Flexible learning State assessments Innovation pilots… Read More ›

EdTech Connect Venture Cafe

Venture Cafe’s Ed-Tech mini-conference, “Innovation in Education & Educational  Services” takes place on August 30th, 2018. This special ‘conference night’ event seeks to bring together the brightest minds who are building, funding, and innovating in the Greater Boston area’s Education Community. This event will provide opportunities not only hear the best ideas and see the latest… Read More ›

Fit for Purpose: Taking the Long View on Systems Change and Policy to Support Competency Education

iNACOL will host a webinar to explore details of a CompetencyWorks report discussing the long game in moving toward personalized, competency-based education.  Fit for Purpose: Taking the Long View on Systems Change and Policy to Support Competency Education, released earlier this year, introduces four “threshold concepts” to help think differently about what is possible in an… Read More ›

Resources for Assessment in Project-Based Learning

This is a compilation of resources to support the development of high-quality, authentic assessments of any learning project. The list features links to help teachers include quality formative assessment as well as consider standardized tests when using project-based learning. It also includes overview resources by project-based learning foundations, as well as relevant research. This is a… Read More ›

Leveraging Digital Depth for Responsive Learning Environments

This paper explores the potential for wearables, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) to help create more responsive learning environments that: Increase student engagement Enhance the personalization of learning Increase understanding of others’ experiences and perspectives Help develop greater levels of self-awareness Foster critical thinking Increase student agency The paper presents a frame for… Read More ›