Levers and Logic Models: A Framework to Guide Research and Design of High-Quality Competency-Based Education Systems

In this CompetencyWorks report, authors Chris Sturgis and Katherine Casey present logic models that are intended to help researchers and practitioners understand the critical components of competency-based education at multiple levels of practice. Logic models are tools used to conceptualize organizations, programs or strategies to bring about change and to support the evaluation of effectiveness.… Read More ›

Lessons from Teachers of the Year

This vast list of videos showcases lessons from teachers across the country. The ‘Lessons from Teachers of the Year’ series is a partnership between Google for Education and CCSSO that aims to elevate the teaching profession and capture the thinking of some of the United States’ best educators. These videos were designed to help fellow… Read More ›

Student Goal Setting: An Evidence-Based Practice

The Midwest Comprehensive Center at American Institutes for Research, with the help of What Works Clearinghouse House reviewers, has released a new resource on student goal setting to support state departments of education who are interested in promoting evidence-based personalized and deeper learning strategies by districts/schools in their states. The act of goal setting is a… Read More ›

Resources for Creating a School Culture of Empathy, Inclusion and Kindness

This tool offers lessons, activities, classroom tools, and more to help students learn about character strengths. In response to gun violence in schools, many educators asked for resources to support students’ social and emotional development. A positive school climate can support academic gains in addition to increased well being and sense of belonging. This list… Read More ›

Learner-Centered Educator and Leadership Competencies – Interview with Rebecca Wolfe

In this podcast, Rebecca Wolfe, one of the co-authors of the Educator and Leadership Competencies, talks about her work on educator and leadership competencies for learner-centered, personalized education. This podcast is helpful to learn how to distinguish learner-centered from the dominant school-centered paradigm. In addition, the participants discuss why is it important for educators to specifically and… Read More ›

Don’t ask which ed tech products work, ask why they work

Editor’s note: This story led off this week’s Future of Learning newsletter, which is delivered free to subscribers’ inboxes every Tuesday with trends and top stories about education innovation. Subscribe today! What makes educational technology initiatives succeed or fail? Hint: It’s not just the technology. A new nonprofit, formed out of the Jefferson Education Accelerator… Read More ›

12 Educational Apps To Create Digital Portfolios

This article provides a list of apps to help students create digital portfolios. Digital portfolios can support learning by allowing students and teachers to measure growth over time. The author includes a short description of each app which note features and price for each app. These apps can be used by any educator teaching any… Read More ›

Designing Engaging Assignments

This resource aims to help teachers design engaging assignments that can challenge students in innovative ways. Beth Pandolpho shares three suggestions to make assignments more dynamic at school in order to provide deeper learning and keep students more engaged. The three suggestions to help students understand the value of the work they do are: Provide… Read More ›

Top Picks: Student Portfolio Apps and Websites

This list from Common Sense Education highlights 17 tools for creating digital student portfolios. Portfolios allow teachers to assess student learning and students to track their own progress. These tech tools offer students virtual binders, folders, web pages, and galleries for collecting everything from text to video. Teachers can easily browse through and access student… Read More ›

Serious Play Conference

The Serious Play Conference, now in its 8th year, is a leadership conference for professionals who embrace the idea that games can revolutionize learning. Speakers, who come from all parts of the globe, share their experience creating or using games in the corporation, classroom, healthcare institution, government and military and offer tips on how to… Read More ›

New Tech Network Conference

The New Tech Network annual conference will take place in St. Louis, MO. This conference will feature unique networking techniques such as Braindate, where participants can interact with attendants who have the same interests through a digital platform. This conference will feature various keynotes, special events, and sessions dedicated to transforming teaching and learning. Host… Read More ›

SETDA Leadership Summit 2018

The State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA) Leadership Summit brings state educational leaders to the Washington D.C. area for PD. Participants include leaders from more than 40 state departments of education, including leaders in educational technology, assessment, instructional materials and professional development, and SETDA’s Private Sector Partners. This event is designed to foster in-depth dialogue… Read More ›