3 Ways to Use Video Conferencing with Students Learning Remotely

In this article, Catlin Tucker, a veteran teacher, blended learning coach, and author, shares ideas for using video conferencing in student-centered ways. She explores 3 ways to leverage video conferences to foster deeper learning and connections with and amongst students. These include small group instruction, discussions and conferencing with students. These tips will be useful… Read More ›

New Remote Learning Resources from Common Sense


For many, our education system feels unprepared to transition to remote learning that was caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This webinar will explore ways to make learning from home an awesome experience that thrills kids, engages teachers, relieves families, and restores community. This webinar will introduce Wide Open School, a new, free online resource to… Read More ›

Blended Learning Universe

Developed by the Clayton Christensen Institute, a nonprofit think tank working to improve education, healthcare, and global prosperity through innovation, this website showcases blended learning resources. It features basics on blended learning and related instructional models, including videos and examples in action, tips and resources to take a school step-by-step through planning and research publications.… Read More ›

What We Know about Successful Instruction in a Digital Environment

Earlier this week, I read this post on Facebook, and it got me thinking… Attention Parents: As we move closer to embarking on what is being called “remote teaching,” I am asking my Facebook friends to refrain from publicly scrutinizing their children’s teachers for the way they are teaching or the lessons they are assigning.… Read More ›

Del Lago Academy Series

This is a four-part series of articles featuring Del Lago Academy Campus of Applied Science, which was created by community members and staff in Escondido, California to offer a more student-centered learning option to the district’s high school students. The school focuses on competency-based practices, personalization, and authentic interdisciplinary learning projects. Articles in the series… Read More ›

10 Reasons Edtech Works Sometimes, But Not All the Time

This article outlines the plans of the EdTech Genome Project, a collaborative effort of more than 100 education research and advocacy organizations, to research the contextual factors that impact education technology (ed-tech) implementation. The organization identified the ten factors hypothesized to have the greatest influence, such as adoption plans and school culture. They are now… Read More ›

Making Powerful Educational Choices for our Children

This article calls on parents to advocate for student-centered learning. Written by a fellow parent, it outlines the advantages of learner-centered education. It could be used as a source of inspiration for any group of parents interested in advocating for changes in the education system. Source Organization: Today Parenting Visit the Resource

How Hands-On Projects Can Deepen Math Learning for Teens

In this article, teachers from Science Leadership Academy, a public magnet school in Philadelphia committed to project-based learning, share the benefits of hands-on projects in math class. Their experiences show that gathering and applying real data brings meaning to the purpose of math which increases engagement. They have also found that through problem-based learning, students… Read More ›

The Role of School Librarians in OER Curation

Librarians can play an important role in expanding the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) to support student-centered curriculum. This guidebook was created for librarians by the national nonprofit Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education after a study of 15 school districts. The clear overview of OER, outline of the curation process,… Read More ›

The Best Edtech for Students Is Backed by Research

In this article, researchers draw on their experience studying technology and learning to offer advice on selecting effective ed-tech products. While there is a thriving marketing industry surrounding ed-tech, there are few resources to help teachers and school leaders determine which products have the evidence-base to support their claims of positive learning outcomes.  The authors… Read More ›

Leaders to Learn From Report

This yearly report from Education Week recognizes excellence in school district leadership. The report identifies some of the nation’s most exceptional school district leaders and highlights their impact on the success of educators and students. The report includes short case studies of 12 leaders which include superintendents, principals, teacher leaders and executive directors. They serve… Read More ›

Digital Learning Day Resources

Digital Learning Day, started in 2012, is a yearly event to highlight great teaching practice and showcase innovative teachers, leaders, and instructional technology programs that are improving student outcomes. Schools across the country can plan their own activities to celebrate digital learning and share these ideas with other practitioners through an interactive map. To help… Read More ›