Innovating Pedagogy 2015

This is the fourth in a series of yearly reports explores new forms of teaching, learning, and assessment for an interactive world, to guide teachers and policy makers in productive innovation. This fourth report, produced in collaboration with SRI International, proposes 10 innovations that are already in currency but have not yet had a profound influence on… Read More ›

Ambitious Instruction: Towards Deeper Learning on a Larger Scale

Educational reforms come and go from one decade to the next, but the everyday routines of classroom instruction hardly ever seem to change. Why have the culture and practice of teaching been so slow to evolve? What does the most ambitious, deeper teaching entail? And what it will take to scale up such instruction in… Read More ›

Instructional Coaching for Secondary School Transformation

This article the second in a three part series on instructional coaching and professional learning. In 2012 Gary Barber took over as superintendent of Marion, Ohio and the district launched a series of community conversations that led to aggressive reforms seeking improved academic performance and workforce preparation. The conversations with teachers about their next-generation vision… Read More ›

Implementation Guide: Starting Student Consulting at Your Site

This implementation guide, created by High Tech High Media Arts (HTHMA) in San Diego, was developed from a six-week consulting program in which Juniors acted as consultants to first year teachers to provide constructive feedback and build dialogue. Providing new teachers with feedback from the student perspective helped foster positive, supportive classroom relationships which serve as the… Read More ›

Teacher Development for Next Gen Learning

Join Next Gen Learning Challenges in a Twitterchat on teacher development to support next gen learning. Chat will take place February 11th from 7-8pm EST. Guests include: Nicole Assisi, Ed. D., CEO, Thrive Public Schools Sajan George, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Matchbook Learning Beth Rabbit, Partner, The Learning Accelerator Juliana Finegan, Manager of Blended Learning Programs, Relay Graduate… Read More ›

How the School Library Helps Build Strong Blended Classes

This is the first in a series of articles describing 10 ways White Bear Lake High School teachers and the school library are working together to enhance learning in hybrid, also known as blended, classes. Future installments of the series will cover hybrid orientation, deep Web online lessons, Web 2.0 applications and ELL hybrid classes. Source… Read More ›

10 Trends to Personalized Learning in 2016

This article focuses on three main concepts for trends to personalized learning predicted for 2016, starting with learners and teachers, and pulling together everything with culture and community that encompass the 10 trends. Personalized learning is happening now and will expand worldwide in 2016. Yet there are still different definitions for personalized learning and some… Read More ›

Teaching for Deeper Learning for All Students

The Alliance for Excellent Education (the Alliance) and the National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future (NCTAF) will be hosting their third webinar in a series designed to explore the conditions needed to support great teaching for deeper learning. The promising practices, recommendations, and lessons learned will inform a collective effort, led by NCTAF, around… Read More ›

Digital Learning Day

Digital Learning Day Live! is one of thousands of celebrations that will take place across the country in classrooms, schools, districts, and states on February 17. Each year, the live webcast highlights examples of how great teaching, combined with effective technology is positively impacting schools—particularly those that serve diverse communities. With this year marking the… Read More ›

Four Myths About Learning Styles Debunked

This article debunks four myths about learning styles and includes suggestions for how multiple learning styles can be accepted and celebrated. The language around learning styles and multiple intelligences has diversified instructional styles in a great way, however, it has also brought about some misconceptions. A few examples of the myths addressed by the article are… Read More ›

“Are We Teaching STEM Wrong?” Highlights from Solve Talks at Google

On January 13th, I had the good fortune of attending the Solve Talk, “Are We Teaching STEM Wrong?” hosted by Google, Solve MIT, Kara Miller, and MassChallenge. The panel, moderated by Ms. Miller, included Arthur Levine, Woodrow Wilson Foundation, Chris Rogers, Tufts, and Tina Grotzer, Harvard Graduate School of Education. As many of these panels… Read More ›