Deeper Learning and Equity: Two New Resources

Originally posted on Education Week’s blog on November 6, 2015  A year and a half ago, in a post to this blog, Jal Mehta made the memorable assertion that “deeper learning has a race problem.” Judging by who attends its conferences and teaches and studies at its exemplary schools, he notes, the deeper learning movement… Read More ›

Voices on Policy to Promote College and Career Readiness

Originally posted on Education Week’s blog on November 4, 2015. In October, Jobs for the Future’s Students at the Center initiative hosted Turning the Corner, a convening of researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and other influential figures from across the education world. We asked participants to discuss a couple of questions in particular: As the No Child… Read More ›

Leading the Way Towards a Stronger New England

An announcement from the Nellie Mae Education Foundation The Nellie Mae Education Foundation is embarking on an ambitious new agenda, one that builds on our position as a promoter of equity and excellence in public education in New England and our recognition that bolder action is required to ensure that all of our young people can… Read More ›

Blended Learning & Technology Conference

This spring, the Highlander Institute and the Christensen Institute are hosting the Blended & Personalized Learning Conference on April 1st & 2nd in Providence, RI. This event is the first national convening dedicated to authentically explore what is and isn’t happening in K-12 blended and personalized learning.

Snakes Are Born This Way: Illuminating Standards (Video)

This video, based on Lady Gaga’s hit song “Born This Way” is performed by a group of second graders at the Conservatory Lab Charter School in Dorchester, Massachusetts. It was created after completing extensive research on snakes, the students wrote, performed, and produced the song “Snakes Are Born This Way”. Source Organization: Expeditionary Learning

#21stedchat with Charles Willis

Charles Willis, a teacher at Revere High School, is going to be hosting a twitterchat (#21stedchat) on 10/25 from 8-9p focused on student-centered learning. Join us!

Using a “Growth Mindset” to help Youth Succeed

Originally posted on Jobs for the Future Failing and under-resourced schools, neighborhoods beset by street violence, lack of job opportunity, families split apart by addiction—many low-income young people of color face such well-chronicled barriers. Less visible and understood is the persistence and resilience that some of them demonstrate as they struggle in their teens and… Read More ›

Extended Learning Opportunities at Pittsfield Middle High School (Video)

This 15 minute video, with support from Nellie Mae Education Foundation and Julie Mallozzi , showcases Pittsfield Middle High School putting students at the center of their own learning. Students engage in a variety of extended learning opportunities that enable them to find and explore their own passions outside of the classroom. Source Organization: Nellie Mae… Read More ›

Inquiry-Based Learning at Pittsfield Middle High School (Video)

In this video, with support from Nellie Mae Education Foundation and Julie Mallozzi, High School English teacher Jenny Wellington and her students lead viewers through an inquiry-based unit in their English 12 Composition class. Source Organization: Nellie Mae Education Foundation

RIDE Technology Conference

RIDE is organizing the 2015 RIDE Technology Conference focusing on blended and personalized learning. Educators, school leaders, policy makers, technology coordinators are all encouraged to share implementation strategies, best practices, and lessons learned at the conference. Learn more and access registration information Source Organization: Rhode Island Department of Education

C-Town Summer Bridge Program: A Student’s Perspective

Andrea Thompson, a freshman at Charlestown High School, shares her involvement as a participant in the C-Town Tech Summer Bridge Program. Afterwards, be sure to read our “Applying the Framework” summary that connects Andrea’s story to the Students at the Center Framework.   In C-town Tech, we learned things we’ve never seen before. For example,… Read More ›