Equal Opportunity for Deeper Learning

This report calls for fundamental changes in curriculum, assessment, and policy to ensure equity among students regardless of socioeconomic status. The quality of instruction for low-income students and students of color is increasingly becoming a concern in the United States. Access to a more rigorous curriculum for underserved students can bridge gaps by equipping students… Read More ›

C-Town Summer Bridge Program: A Teacher’s Perspective

Leah Jaffe, a Charlestown High School teacher, shares her involvement as the coordinator for the C-Town Tech Summer Bridge Program. Be sure to read our “Applying the Framework” summary that connects Leah’s story to the Students at the Center Framework.   Week 1: July 13- July 17 Today is the day. I’m anxious and nervous who… Read More ›

Incorporating 21st Century Skills in the Classroom (Video)

This Students at the Center Hub video explores how teachers incorporate 21st century skills into core subject classes. What does it look like in action? How does this help prepare students for college and career, and enrich their core subject learning? Source Organization: Students at the Center

Building Your Roadmap For 21st Century Learning Environments

This resource, developed by the Cable Impacts Foundation, the Partnership for 21st Century Learning and the State Educational Technology Directors Association, is for education leaders interested in transitioning to 21st-century learning environments. Using the Roadmap, educational leaders can determine where their system is and where they need to go in each of the topic areas,… Read More ›

4 Things Innovative Districts Do To Improve Graduation Rates

This article looks at practices from Digital Promise’s League of Innovative Schools, a coalition of forward-thinking districts and leaders across the country, who are committed to improving the opportunity to learn for all of their students through technology and research. The article offers examples from schools across the nation that are providing new ways for access… Read More ›

6 Strategies to Truly Personalize Project-Based Learning

This article looks at ways project-based learning and personalized learning strategies can be coupled together to engage students through authentic, personal work while developing necessary skills for success. Education consultant Andrew Miller shares six strategies to support personalized project-based learning in the classroom. Source Organization: Edutopia Visit the Resource  

Virtual Video Tours of Next Gen Learning Schools

This set of videos released by Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC) tours several innovative schools to see Next Generation Learning in action. Each video tour showcases key components of blended, competency-based, personalized learning at NGLC’s Breakthrough schools and other K-12 schools across the country that are transforming learning. Resources are included with each video. Please note… Read More ›

Empowering Students Through Multimedia Storytelling

This article shares programs and strategies that use multimedia storytelling as outlets for student-voice. Author Michael Hernandez argues that by introducing interdisciplinary media projects into the classroom, students can focus more on creating authentic products that can be relevant outside of the classroom. Source Organization: Edutopia Visit the Resource  

C-Town Summer Bridge Program: A Professor’s Perspective

Jaime Mahoney, an associate professor at Bunker Hill Community College, shares her involvement as an instructor for the C-Town Tech Summer Bridge Program. Afterwards, be sure to read our “Applying the Framework” summary that connects Jaime’s story to the Students at the Center Framework.     As the developer of the 2015 C-Town Tech Summer… Read More ›

Carol Dweck Revisits the “Growth Mindset”

Originally posted on Education Week on September 22, 2015 For many years, I secretly worked on my research. I say “secretly” because, once upon a time, researchers simply published their research in professional journals—and there it stayed. However, my colleagues and I learned things we thought people needed to know. We found that students’ mindsets—how… Read More ›