International Association for K-12 Online Learning (Aurora Institute)

This organization works to improve student access to personalized, mastery-based educational opportunities through quality online, blended, and competency learning programs. This membership organization advocates for relevant policies and educates policy-makers; develops national quality standard, supports development and implementation of new learning models; and builds communities of practice. The site includes many resources for school and… Read More ›

Keeping Pace with K-12 Digital Learning: An Annual Reivew of Policy and Practice (2014)

This report documents the state of digital learning across the country. First the authors report on the types and prevalence of digital learning programs across the nation, including statewide fully online schools, state virtual schools offering supplemental courses, course-choice programs offering supplemental courses from a variety of providers, schools that blend online with more traditional… Read More ›

Expanding Opportunity: The Potential of Anywhere, Anytime Learning

This issue of the Family Involvement Network of Educators newsletter explores the importance of engaging families in anytime, anywhere learning. There is growing understanding of the importance of inequalities in access to interest-driven learning out of the traditional school day in afterschool and summer activities and programs, at cultural institutions, and through digital media. However,… Read More ›

Five Professional Development Resources that Promote Family Engagement

This article provides advice and resources to help schools and community organizations provide high quality professional development around family engagement. The five tips covered include incorporating family engagement into professional development systematically, using digital platforms to connect with families, and providing educators with clear examples of family engagement practices. The article also describes and links… Read More ›

Harvard Family Research Project

This organization seeks to promote family and community involvement in children’s education anywhere and anytime they learn, be that in the home, at school, in community programs, or through digital media. To that end, the Harvard Family Research Project conducts research and documents promising practices, creates frameworks and policy papers, and provides tools for professional… Read More ›

Deeper Learning for Students with Disabilities

This report focuses on deeper learning for students with disabilities. The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs now requires states to fully disclose the precise steps they will take to ensure better outcomes for students with disabilities. This new requirement can aid educators in implementing effective practices for providing deeper learning opportunities… Read More ›


This organization works with schools to build student voice through meaningful student involvement. Its website offers many resources for students, teachers, administrators, and community leaders working on school reform. The issues section contains overviews of key concepts including meaningful student involvement, student voice, student engagement, and student/adult partnerships. The tools section includes toolboxes on meaningful student… Read More ›

PTA National Standards for Family-School Partnerships: An Implementation Guide

This guide introduces the six standards for family-school partnerships developed by the National Parent Teacher Association. The standards, welcoming all families, communicating, supporting student success, speaking up for every child, sharing power, and community collaboration, are described in detail along with vignettes of local success stories. For each of the six standards the guide also… Read More ›

Reimagining Parent Engagement in California: Moving from 1.0 to 2.0

This report explores the characteristics of family-friendly schools. It presents clear indicators in key areas: welcoming environment, effective family-school communication, meaningful resources, shared leadership, conflict resolution, and financial resources. Though designed by family advocates to help the state of California create regulations, this guide could be used by any school to asses its level of family… Read More ›

Parents SEE

This 12-week leadership program is for parents in Connecticut. Participants learn how to become partners with schools in developing policies and programs to increase student success. Participants of the Parents Supporting Educational Excellence (Parents SEE) program focuses on training to become actively involved in governance and policy development at the school, district, and state levels as community… Read More ›