Smart Parents Want Powerful Learning

This iNACOL presentation by Tom Vander Ark, Carri Schneider, Mary Ryerse, and Bonnie Lathram provides tips and action steps (from a variety of sources) for parents interested in understanding more about their children’s education. Source Organization: Getting Smart Visit the Resource

Student-Centered Learning: It Starts With the Teacher

This blog post explores the role of teachers in creating a student-centered classroom. The author discusses the shift from a directive to a consultative classroom and explores several key steps including allowing students to share in decision-making, believing in students’ capacity to lead, recognizing students need for learning that is tied to their real-world experiences, and giving up… Read More ›

Talk to Teachers: Students Share How and Why They’d Change Education

This article describes a lesson in persuasive writing for high school juniors developed by an Oakland, California teacher. After studying an historic essay written by James Baldwin, students were asked to write persuasive essays detailing how they feel education could be changed to better fit their needs. The article links to audio files of six… Read More ›

Students at the Center Hub Recommends: Smart Parents

The Students at the Center Hub team occasionally finds something that makes our lives much easier: a fantastic resource aligned with our framework, that we consider a go-to for a large portion of our audience. Smart Parents, a blog series on the site Getting Smart, provides people invested in their children’s education with a series… Read More ›

Uncommon Learning: Creating Schools That Work for Kids

Schools traditionally have been designed to work well for adults, but the conventional school design hasn’t always served our learners. Students today need to be empowered to take ownership of their learning in relevant and meaningful ways to prepare them for a constantly evolving world. In this webinar, Eric Sheninger will explore how to cultivate… Read More ›

In My Creative Classroom

In this monthly webinar series, Adobe Education Community members will inspire you, and your students, by sharing their own experiences in the creative classroom. Each presenter will open their classroom door and give you a view of their creative teaching process. You’ll learn how they develop, implement, and assess creative activities in their classroom. They’ll… Read More ›

Voices on Policy to Promote College and Career Readiness

Originally posted on Education Week’s blog on November 4, 2015. In October, Jobs for the Future’s Students at the Center initiative hosted Turning the Corner, a convening of researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and other influential figures from across the education world. We asked participants to discuss a couple of questions in particular: As the No Child… Read More ›

Student Voice Professional Development Module

This professional development module was created as part of a partnership between Students at the Center, a Jobs for the Future initiative, and the Connecticut Association of Public School Superintendents. Six Connecticut high school teachers worked closely with researcher and lead author of “Prioritizing Motivation and Engagement” in Anytime, Anywhere: Student-Centered Learning for Schools and Teachers,… Read More ›

Continuous Improvement in Education

This white paper by Sandra Park, Penny Carver, Lee Nordstrum, and Stephanie Hironaka, provides examples that illustrate how continuous quality improvement methodology is being applied in education toward the goals of making education more efficient, effective, and equitable. The examples are organized in three broad categories: at the level of classroom instruction, system-wide, and improvement efforts with collective… Read More ›

Leading the Way Towards a Stronger New England

An announcement from the Nellie Mae Education Foundation The Nellie Mae Education Foundation is embarking on an ambitious new agenda, one that builds on our position as a promoter of equity and excellence in public education in New England and our recognition that bolder action is required to ensure that all of our young people can… Read More ›

Water Quality and Future Use of Loon Pond (Video)

This video provides an overview of how a 9th grade biology class was able to provide a civic service while gaining a deep understanding of content using the scientific method, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. This example of community-oriented, anytime/anywhere, project-based learning began through a conversation between the students’ biology teacher and the City of Springfield.… Read More ›

The Eye of the Storm Learning Expedition: Illuminating Standards (Video)

This five minute video documents the class of 2015 at Casco Bay High School for Expeditionary Learning in Portland, Maine who focused their junior year’s work on climate change. In the fall, they studied both the chemistry and the policy. In the spring, they began to consider the human side of things when their humanities teacher,… Read More ›