13 Tips on Using Social Media for Youth Organizing

This listicle is a part of our growing efforts to increase youth voice on the Hub. Stay tuned for more student-centered content (for students, by students) in the upcoming weeks! On August 14-16, 2015, the Nellie Mae Education Foundation hosted its annual Youth Leadership Institute. This event brought together youth leaders, adult allies, educators, and community… Read More ›

#21stedchat with Charles Willis

Charles Willis, a teacher at Revere High School, is going to be hosting a twitterchat (#21stedchat) on 10/25 from 8-9p focused on student-centered learning. Join us!

Using a “Growth Mindset” to help Youth Succeed

Originally posted on Jobs for the Future Failing and under-resourced schools, neighborhoods beset by street violence, lack of job opportunity, families split apart by addiction—many low-income young people of color face such well-chronicled barriers. Less visible and understood is the persistence and resilience that some of them demonstrate as they struggle in their teens and… Read More ›

Extended Learning Opportunities at Pittsfield Middle High School (Video)

This 15 minute video, with support from Nellie Mae Education Foundation and Julie Mallozzi , showcases Pittsfield Middle High School putting students at the center of their own learning. Students engage in a variety of extended learning opportunities that enable them to find and explore their own passions outside of the classroom. Source Organization: Nellie Mae… Read More ›

Inquiry-Based Learning at Pittsfield Middle High School (Video)

In this video, with support from Nellie Mae Education Foundation and Julie Mallozzi, High School English teacher Jenny Wellington and her students lead viewers through an inquiry-based unit in their English 12 Composition class. Source Organization: Nellie Mae Education Foundation

C-Town Summer Bridge Program: A Student’s Perspective

Andrea Thompson, a freshman at Charlestown High School, shares her involvement as a participant in the C-Town Tech Summer Bridge Program. Afterwards, be sure to read our “Applying the Framework” summary that connects Andrea’s story to the Students at the Center Framework.   In C-town Tech, we learned things we’ve never seen before. For example,… Read More ›

Equal Opportunity for Deeper Learning

This report calls for fundamental changes in curriculum, assessment, and policy to ensure equity among students regardless of socioeconomic status. The quality of instruction for low-income students and students of color is increasingly becoming a concern in the United States. Access to a more rigorous curriculum for underserved students can bridge gaps by equipping students… Read More ›

C-Town Summer Bridge Program: A Teacher’s Perspective

Leah Jaffe, a Charlestown High School teacher, shares her involvement as the coordinator for the C-Town Tech Summer Bridge Program. Be sure to read our “Applying the Framework” summary that connects Leah’s story to the Students at the Center Framework.   Week 1: July 13- July 17 Today is the day. I’m anxious and nervous who… Read More ›

Incorporating 21st Century Skills in the Classroom (Video)

This Students at the Center Hub video explores how teachers incorporate 21st century skills into core subject classes. What does it look like in action? How does this help prepare students for college and career, and enrich their core subject learning? Source Organization: Students at the Center

4 Things Innovative Districts Do To Improve Graduation Rates

This article looks at practices from Digital Promise’s League of Innovative Schools, a coalition of forward-thinking districts and leaders across the country, who are committed to improving the opportunity to learn for all of their students through technology and research. The article offers examples from schools across the nation that are providing new ways for access… Read More ›

6 Strategies to Truly Personalize Project-Based Learning

This article looks at ways project-based learning and personalized learning strategies can be coupled together to engage students through authentic, personal work while developing necessary skills for success. Education consultant Andrew Miller shares six strategies to support personalized project-based learning in the classroom. Source Organization: Edutopia Visit the Resource