“More than a Test Score” Campaign

The Providence Student Union challenged local community leaders to take an abbreviated version of the NECAP test (a graduation requirement). The adult test-takers’ results mirrored the results in Providence high schools; almost 60% received “substantially below proficient” and would be at risk of not receiving a diploma. Source Organization: Providence Student Union Visit the Resource

Student Bill of Rights

In Summer 2012, Providence Student Union (PSU) student leaders assembled a “Student Bill of Rights” that would guide the Union’s expansion into multiple schools. The Student Bill of Rights outlines Providence Student Union’s mid- to long-term priorities, and acts as a reference point when choosing school-based and citywide campaigns. Leaders argue that these rights must… Read More ›

Mapping the Gap on Skills and Learning

This report from the FrameWorks Institute’s Core Story of Education Project outlines comparative results from a series of parallel interviews with experts and members of the public. The results show major gaps between how these two populations understand and think about students’ skills and learning. Source Organization: FrameWorks Institute VISIT THE RESOURCE

Student-Centered Schools: Closing the Opportunity Gap Research Brief

Student-Centered Schools: Closing the Opportunity Gap documents the practices and outcomes of four urban high schools that, through student-centered approaches, are preparing their students for success in college, career, and life by providing them with the building blocks of knowledge and skills they will need as adults. Source Organization: SCOPE VISIT THE RESOURCE

Student-Centered Learning: Life Academy of Health and Bioscience

At Life Academy of Health and Biosciences (Life Academy) in Oakland, California, student voice and choice drives every decision: what and how to teach, what structure will equip students and teachers to know and believe in each other, and how to bring out the best in students. At Life Academy, 99% of the student population… Read More ›

Personalization vs. Differentiation vs. Individualization Chart

This chart helps clarify the differences between the terms “personalization,” “differentiation,” and “individualization.” “Personalization” is learner-centered. The other two, “differentiation” and “individualization” are teacher-centered. “Personalization” or Personalized Learning means the learner is driving his/her learning. When the learner takes responsibility for his/her learning, teaching and learning changes. The roles of the teacher and learner change.… Read More ›

Leadership in Action: Education, Prosperity, and Economic Competitiveness

This issue brief from the New England Secondary School Consortium’s Leadership in Action series outlines why education is so important to the future of our economy and democracy. In today’s knowledge economy, where students are competing for jobs alongside highly educated and motivated graduates from every corner of the globe, education has never been more… Read More ›

Leadership in Action: What are Real-World Learning Experiences?

This issue brief from the New England Secondary School Consortium’s Leadership in Action series explains that in today’s world, relevance, usefulness, and real-world application need to inform every dimension of the high school experience. Source Organization: New England Secondary School Consortium (NESSC) Visit the Resource

Securing the Dream

Although Latinos comprise only 8.4% of Massachusetts’ population, their age structure (tilted toward the younger age groupings) and the constant influx of new immigrants from Latin America is transforming the state’s landscape of schools and workplaces. The authors of this compilation of reports present the implications of the disparities (in education, economics, and health) for… Read More ›