Webinar: Increasing Opportunities for Deeper Learning

On February 15, the Learning Policy Institute will launch a new webinar series, Achieving Equity Through Deeper Learning, that focuses on why deeper learning is crucial for students in today’s innovation economy and how we can achieve greater equity in access to deeper learning. The first webinar, Increasing Opportunities for Deeper Learning, will address ways… Read More ›

Civic Preparedness in an Era Characterized by its Discord More than its Dialogue

Public speaking banner set of business presentation public figure isolated

Political discord is as old as politics. However, disagreement between people with different political perspectives has become entrenched, and often rancorous, in our era. Many choose only to listen to viewpoints similar to their own and opportunities for conversation across political differences are shrinking. Research indicates that people are (increasingly?) choosing a self-selection of news… Read More ›

Leaders to Learn From

Each year, Education Week identifies some of the nation’s most exceptional school district leaders in its Leaders To Learn From report and shines a spotlight on their extraordinary impact on the success of educators and students. At this event, participants will learn how these extraordinary trailblazers in the field are solving problems and driving change… Read More ›

Fourth Industrial Revolution & the Impact on Education

Presented by COSN New technologies like artificial intelligence, 3D printing, and robotics are emerging with the potential for having a transformative impact on industry, the economy and society as a whole. The speed and scope of this technological transformation is exponential with the potential for unlimited possibilities and endless opportunities. What are the implications for… Read More ›

Want to Set Students Up for Success? Make Room for Vulnerability

This article, written by a student, describes the culture at One Stone school in Boise, Idaho. One Stone is a student-led and directed nonprofit committed to making students better leaders and the world a better place. The school is free and open to any student. Much of the work at One Stone occurs through Design… Read More ›

Learning Accelerator’s Practices at Work: Blended & Personalized Learning

The Blended and Personalized Learning Practices at Work site, managed by The Learning Accelerator, is a collection of free, practical strategies and resources to help schools implement blended and personalized learning. The Learning Accelerator is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing blended learning. The organization works to  bring together communities of learners and document and share strategies to… Read More ›

CoSN Empowered Superintendents Resources

Through the Empowered Superintendents initiative, The Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) collaborates with superintendents to assess their challenges and increase their capacities to lead technology efforts to support student learning. The Superintendents Toolkit  is a guide to support leadership in the digital age. It includes two modules, one which examines 5 key roles superintendents must address to… Read More ›

Student-Centered Learning Course Syllabus

Newsflash: Teachers are learners! Yet, the strategies we use to help teachers innovate their practices often get in the way of learning. It’s as if we’re still operating according to the old, tired adage: “Do as I say, not as I do.” To optimize teacher learning and magnify educators’ impact in the classroom, we need to start with the… Read More ›

Research Collaborative Seminar: Student-Centered Learning and Reorganizing Education Time

Marisa Saunders and Research Collaborative advisor Jorge Ruiz de Velasco, editors of “Learning Time: in Pursuit of Educational Equity” (Harvard Education Press, 2017), explore the intersections of student-centered learning and expanded learning opportunities. Learn more from this exciting discussion on how education time can be expanded, reimagined, and reorganized as a resource for student-centered learning… Read More ›