Learn Next: A Toolbox for Educators to Transform Practice

Every student deserves access to powerful learning experiences — experiences that help them develop agency, grow their skills and expand their curiosities. Many schools are shifting their practices to be more student-centered in hopes of ultimately developing these qualities in students. We know in transformative environments that the learning and facilitation looks very different. This type of… Read More ›

Five Ways to Help Students Ask Better Questions

In this article, the author explores practical ways to help students learn to generate their own essential questions. It looks at the important role of active inquiry in fostering deep learning and then unpacks 5 strategies to help students develop this important skill. These suggestions can be used by teachers in any subject or grade… Read More ›

Owning the Classroom Together

In this article from ASCD’s Educational Leadership Magazine a professor and veteran teacher, describes her efforts create a positive classroom culture to support learning. She started each year asking students the question:  “Do you think we can create a classroom that works for every person here?” From this the class worked to create management routines for starting class,… Read More ›

Reading on Competency-Based Education

This article provides a great overview of key texts to help any educator or education leader better understand competency education. The author provides suggestions for stakeholders at different phases of implementation and understandings, including: Newcomers looking to understand competency education Districts moving to the commitment stage For those looking to anticipate issues and challenges Working… Read More ›

LearnNext: Culture and Environment

Culture and Environment is a course that examines the learning culture and environment needed to support the development of learner agency. Topics include motivation, resource access, digital divide, routines and practices, feedback, and tolerance. LearnNext’s Learner Agency courses were co-designed as a partnership between the Learner Agency experts at Jobs for the Future and 2Revolutions.… Read More ›

LearnNext: Pedagogical Approaches

This course focuses on the changing role that educators play as they implement pedagogical approaches that promote learner agency. Specifically, participants will define learner-centered learning, differentiate between learner-centered and teacher-centered learning, assess their own learner/teacher-centered behaviors, explore case studies and pedagogical approaches that support learner agency, and select a new pedagogical practice to incorporate into the classroom.… Read More ›

EdSurge Fusion – Personalized Learning for the Whole Learner

Personalized learning is not just about the technology. At Fusion 2018 we will bridge the gap between theory and practice—focusing not just on technology but integrating what learning sciences, community development, and social-emotional research can teach us about the holistic picture of personalized learning in schools and districts. EdSurge Fusion brings the best and brightest… Read More ›

Developing a Cyberbullying Prevention Program

This webinar aims to provide educators and school leaders an opportunity to discuss how Millburn Township Public Schools in New Jersey provides teachers with the resources and support they need to confidently address cyberbullying and other online safety topics with their students. Participants will gain insight and hear best practices to develop an online safety… Read More ›

Understanding and Supporting Students with Mental Health and Learning Disorders

In this edWebinar, clinical psychologist Dr. Myles Cooley will provide guidelines on supporting students and communicating with them and their parents to help them with any mental health disorders. Dr. Cooley will talk about various mental health and learning disorders, clarify misunderstandings, and explain new or revised diagnoses. This online session will feature important information about ADHD, dyslexia,… Read More ›

Building Students’ Problem-Solving Skills Through Complex Challenges

This webinar will discuss how to help students with learning experiences that prepare them to creatively respond to uncertainty. Presented by Ronald Beghetto, author of What If? Building Students’ Problem-Solving Skills Through Complex Challenges, this webinar provides opportunities for K-12 educators to learn practical strategies for addressing various ideas such as: How to foster “possibility… Read More ›

What “Mastery-Based” Can Look Like in the Classroom

This article looks at a competency-based math classroom. It describes how Molly Nealeigh at Piney Grove Elementary School in North Carolina’s Charlotte-Mecklenburg school system uses a block period. She teaches new content for the first section and then lets students work individually, using online “pathways” she has designed. This allows students to progress at their… Read More ›