Readiness for Deep Equity Work: You’re “Woker” Than You Think


Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain will be running a PLC in a few weeks. To help educators wondering if they are ready for this type of deep work, antiracism expert Zaretta Hammond will be hosting a short Facebook Live. This event will explore the mindset that keeps us thinking we’re not making progress in… Read More ›

Eastside Students Write Books on How to Overcome a Pandemic

Middle school students in Bullitt County, KY describe their experiences with the COVID-19 pandemic, with links to each student's work.

This news article features stories written by a middle school class in Bullitt County, KY describing their experiences with the COVID-19 pandemic. The story discusses the class project to create ebooks documenting their experiences and provides links to each student’s work. This provides a great example of student’s experience in the Spring of 2020 in… Read More ›

Building Racial Justice and Equity

Bringing together many of ASCD's resources on building racial equity in education in one place, ASCD has made these tools available for free.

This webpage brings together many of ASCD‘s resources on building racial equity in education in one place. These include issues of ASCDExpress, Educational Leadership, and webinars. ASCD has made all these articles and tools available for free without a membership. There are many relevant resources here for teachers and education leaders of any grade level.… Read More ›

Shifting to a Hybrid Learning System

Hybrid school is in the news every day as one strategy to respond to the possibility of school closures during the coming school year. But for some schools and providers, hybrid instruction has been a strategy in development and operation for many years. Staff from StrongMind will lead a discussion with two veteran hybrid school… Read More ›

Edcamp LEAD


Edcamp LEAD is an event for leaders in education and welcomes educators at all levels: teacher leaders, aspiring leaders, principals, and district administrators. An edcamp is an “unconference” that is free and open to all, participant driven, and recognizes the value of experience. During each session, participants will collaboratively determine topics the day of the event… Read More ›

Students Speak Out on COVID-19

This article, written by two high school seniors, describes their experiences with the COVID-19 pandemic. They provide thoughts on the impact on their future plans as well as ways they coped with uncertainty. They also explain what supports from teachers were most and least helpful. This article provides a great example of students’ experiences in… Read More ›

How Educators Are Showing Up for Black Students Following Protests

Ways educators are discussing the Black Lives Matter protests against police brutality with students during remote learning.

This in-depth article from Education Week’s Teacher blog looks at ways educators are discussing the protests against police brutality with students during remote learning. It includes many examples and insights from teachers who are having these tough conversations with students remotely. Teachers of any subject and grade can also get more ideas from the list… Read More ›

6 Ways District Leaders Can Build Racial Equity

Education Week staff asked six district leaders to share specific practices and processes they use in their school systems to promote equity.

In this article, Education Week staff asked six district leaders to share specific practices and processes they use in their school systems to promote equity. Suggestions ranged from getting community involvement to rethinking resources and staffing. All the suggestions require deep reflection on district and school practices and assumptions. This article offers advice for district… Read More ›

Edcamp Georgetown 2020 Online


Edcamp Georgetown 2020 Online is a professional learning opportunity sponsored by Georgetown ISD open to any educator from any school or district. The primary audience for Edcamp includes classroom teachers, campus and district administrators, librarians, instructional specialists, aspiring teachers, college instructors and professors, and other educators involved in PK-12 education. An Edcamp is an “unconference”… Read More ›

Students Are Demanding Anti-Racist Curriculum and Instruction

Students across the country are demanding their districts embrace more culturally diverse and explicitly anti-racist curriculum.

This article from Education Week’s Teacher blog discusses the important involvement of youth in recent social-justice demonstrations, petitions and demands. The article outlines the demands made by students in several different parts of the country for their respective school districts to embrace, including demands such as more culturally diverse and explicitly antiracist curriculum. Educators will… Read More ›