Online Learning Day: 8 Trends Improving Student Options

This article begins with a brief overview of the types of online learning available in states across the country as well as the reasons full and part-time online learning can provide a learning pathway for certain student populations not well-served in traditional school settings. The article outlines eight positive trends in online learning. These include… Read More ›

How Kids Learn Resilience

In this article, author Paul Tough asserts that non-cognitive traits or skills like grit, self regulation, optimism, and resilience cannot be “taught” but are more effectively built through student-centered environments which include both a sense of belonging and academic challenges. The article reviews recent brain-based research which shows development of non-cognitive traits is influenced by… Read More ›

Maine Voices: Casco Bay High Shines as Joyful Example of Learning’s Expedition

In this post, Derek Pierce, Principal of Casco Bay High School in Portland, Maine writes about his school’s student-centered program and the state’s transition to a proficiency-based model for all schools. Casco Bay High School embraces a competency-based learning environment focused on interdisciplinary group projects. This model school continues to achieve a high retention and… Read More ›

Investing in Shared Leadership

This post is part of a series of posts related to the 2015 report, Implementing Competency Education in K-12 Systems: Insights from Local Leaders, which looks at implementation strategies districts are using to convert traditional education systems into environments for dynamic personalized learning. This post looks at the need for superintendents and principals to develop collaborative… Read More ›

iNACOL Blended and Online Learning Symposium

The iNACOL Blended and Online Learning Symposium will be held on October 25-28, 2016 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas. iNACOL’s annual conference is the industry’s leading event for K-12 competency-based, blended and online learning. Attendees will find unprecedented networking opportunities and gain access to expertise, analysis, and trends in… Read More ›

Stanford Experiments with Virtual Reality, Social-Emotional Learning and Oculus Rift

This article describes the experiments conducted by Stanford graduate students at two California schools to harness new virtual reality technology to build student’s social emotional skills (SEL). At San Jose’s Alpha Public Schools, students are testing out Emoti, a virtual reality (VR) mindfulness exercise developed with a grant from inspirED, a partnership between Facebook and… Read More ›

Beware the Iconography Trap of Personalized Learning: Rigor Matters

In this thought-provoking article, Betheny Gross, Senior Analyst and Research Director at the Center on Reinventing Public Education (CRPE), shares a key lesson learned from the organization’s multi-year, multi-method study to learn how school districts and regional partners can support the successful implementation, expansion, and sustainability of personalized learning. This article is the first in… Read More ›

Personalized Learning, Maine Style

This article in Education Leadership discusses Maine’s move to proficiency-based graduation requirements and the consequent move to increase personalized learning across the state. Mary Bellavance, President of Maine ASCD, and elementary instructional strategist in district RSU #57 in Waterboro, shares the story of her district’s approach to roll out personalized learning approaches with buy-in from… Read More ›

How Can Schools Prioritize For The Best Ways Kids Learn?

This video and corresponding article from the former English teacher Will Richardson’s presentation at the 2016 International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) is on the need to match our beliefs and the research about how kids learn best with the reality of teaching and learning practices. Mr. Richardson looks to the types of learning students do… Read More ›

Can Students Click Their Way to a Better World?

In this article, Chris Berdik, science journalist and author, explores why technology could be the key to better civics education for young people today. He argues the national trend of low levels of civics proficiency is the result of an outdated approach to teaching civics. Instead, teachers should use technology to engage students. The article… Read More ›

Election 2016: Lesson Plans and Digital Resources for Educators

As the campaign for President of the United States enters the homestretch, the Students at the Center Hub team is sharing an Edutopia blog post that provides educators with several resources for teaching and learning about election and civic topics.  Check out Civic Learning and Deeper Learning for an overview of how civic education exemplifies… Read More ›