Exploring the Impact of Student-Centered Learning on Mathematics

October 14, 2020

What happens when a networked improvement community focuses on student-centered math instruction and the struggle for equity as they try to become students of their students’ thinking?

The High Tech High Graduate School of Education research team presented their findings from a field-leading 2-year study in which teachers engaged in to test, refine and spread student-centered approaches in mathematics. Their main goal: to develop instructional strategies in K-12 classrooms where students experience a sense of belonging, develop their mathematical agency and identities and enrich their understanding of mathematics.

In this webinar, the research team discusses:

  • The core student-centered practices they developed and refined to promote students’ mathematical thinking and identities
  • What “lesson study” is, how it’s designed to support both teacher and student learning and how it can be applied in remote/hybrid learning environments to increase teacher collaboration and make students and their learning more visible
  • Research findings that showcase positive trends in student achievement, agency and belonging, especially for Black and Latinx students
  • How a diverse school team came together to learn from each other and improve their ability to anticipate students’ thinking and facilitate equitable group work
  • How lesson study helped keep students and equity at the center of instructional decision-making

For more on this research project and lesson study:

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