The film Most Likely To Succeed (MLTS) has been used by many communities as a catalyst for discussion about the future of education in their community. After receiving ideas and feedback from viewers, the developers have used clips from the film to create a series of prompts to help school communities delve further into the content. Prompts focus on topics such as public exhibitions, innovative school design, breath versus depth, and failure with a growth mindset. Each prompt includes short videos, discussion questions, and relevant resources.
These tools were designed to be used and adapted as needed. Administrators, teachers, parents, or students can use them to focus on an issue, design small innovations, try them out, get feedback, and go back and improve the design using the IDEO ideation human-centered design process. The developers encourage schools to try new approaches, knowing that many will not work, but that growth can come through failures as well as successes.
Source Organization: Most Likely To Succeed