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Neuroscience & the Classroom: Making Connections

April 9, 2014

Interactive: Annenberg Learner

Neuroscience & the Classroom: Making Connections is an online course on the implications of neuroscience research on education. Developed by Annenberg Learner, the course consists of six units and features researchers and famous case studies in neuroscience.

Audience: Educators, pre-service educators, professional development providers

Potential Use: Professional development – self-guided or group.

This course can be taken individually or in a group with a facilitator. Graduate and continuing education credits are available for a fee through Colorado State University.


The course modules can be completed individually or as a group. Suggestions for how to use these materials to facilitate a professional development workshop are available on the site, along with information on obtaining graduate and continuing education credits for a small fee.

Units include:
  • Different Brains
  • The Unity of Emotion, Thinking, and Learning
  • Different Learners, Different Minds
  • Building New Neural Networks
  • Implications for Schools


Generally, it should take about two hours to read and view the videos for each of the units. Completing the course as a professional development workshop or for credits requires completing several assignments and readings between units. Each unit has up to six assignments and several readings that the facilitator can choose from. Each reading or assignment may take an additional hour to complete.


No registration is required to access the course and it can be completed for no charge. However, to receive graduate credit or continuing education credits through Colorado State University for a fee. To learn how to register, select Graduate Credits or Continuing Education Credits from the pull down list under Professional Development in the main site menu.

Key Resources:

Video Overview: This video provides an excellent overview of the course.

About This Course: This page provides a clear overview of how this course is set up as well as information about the design and contributors.

How does this align with student-centered learning research and practice?

The determination to link the research to classroom practice, honoring the complexities of both, sets this resource apart. The research highlighted in Neuroscience & the Classroom aligns with that presented in the research synthesis found in Mind, Brain, and Education.

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