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Now More Than Ever: Structured Collaborative Inquiry for Today’s Hybrid Learning Environments

By Daisy Sharrock

As remote learning becomes part of our new reality, it is critical that schools set up rich opportunities for both educators and students to address the challenges and inequities that inevitably occur with online education. To do this now, more than ever, we need systems that support teachers to become students of their students’ thinking.

Teachers need structured collaborative inquiries to test and refine pedagogical practices that center student experiences and meaning-making. Whether in classroom or remote learning contextsour goal should be to promote engagement, support student learning and affirm and build students’ academic and cultural identities.

If you and your colleagues share these goals, Lesson Study is the solution you’re looking for. Before COVID, lesson study was widely recognized as a strategy that builds teacher leadership and inquiry capacitydevelops robust content and pedagogical knowledge and keeps student thinking at the center of instructional decision-making — all skills educators need to develop in our new online environment!

The Mathematical Agency Improvement Community (MAIC) has engaged in lesson study for the past four years. We’ve developed a suite of tools for educators interested in trying lesson study out at their own schools. Whether you are new to lesson study or a lesson study veteran looking to grow your skills, you will find tools to get started on our network website.

Explore lesson study resources:

Author Daisy Sharrock of High-Tech High Graduate School of Education is a member of the Student-Centered Learning Research Collaborative where she is currently leading the study “Leveraging the Power of Improvement Networks to Spread Lesson Study.”


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