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Students at the Center Research Series

August 7, 2015

Students at the Center began with a series of nine research papers, developed in partnership between Jobs for the Future and the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, drawing attention to the importance of engaging each student in acquiring the skills, knowledge and expertise needed for success in college and a career.

In fall 2013, Students at the Center launched an effort to coalesce and make accessible the evidence base on effective learning strategies and deeper learning outcomes. This latest undertaking is particularly geared towards building knowledge in formats that policymakers can draw upon to keep deeper learning outcomes front and center as they engage in the real-time debates and decisions that will determine the effectiveness of our schools in creating a highly competent and productive workforce and engaged citizens for the 21st century.

Research topics:

  • Application in Instruction
  • Assessment
  • Competency Education
  • Education Technology
  • Equity and Diverse Learners
  • Learning Theory
  • Rethinking Readiness
  • School Improvement.

The initial nine research papers that launched this work are also available in the edited volume, Anytime, Anywhere: Student-Centered Learning for Schools and Teachers (2013), which is available from Harvard Education Press.

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