To compete in today’s global, knowledge-based, innovation-centered economy, young people must go beyond a high school diploma and acquire not just academic knowledge, but cognitive, intrapersonal, and interpersonal capacities. That is, they must engage in deeper learning. As schools shift away from traditional education models in favor or providing deeper learning environments, they are required to replace their outdated technology practices and implement a new infrastructure to support student learning. The Role of Digital Technologies In Deeper Learning, the latest paper in the Students at the Center Deeper Learning Research Series, explores how partnering deeper learning strategies with effective technology designs allows for greater educational success.
The Role of Digital Technologies in Deeper Learning
- Published December 2, 2014
Topics / Tags: Curriculum and Instruction
Principles: Personalized Learning, Student Agency and Voice, Real-World Connections
Principles: Personalized Learning, Student Agency and Voice, Real-World Connections
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