Productive Problem Finding

This resource developed by Distinguished Fellow alumnus Frank LaBanca is designed to introduce “problem finding” as a tool for student-centered learning. When students look and find problems, they engage in a creative process to develop and define an idea for a study. Through problem-finding, students set objectives, define purposes, decide what is interesting and ultimately… Read More ›

4 Things you Should Know about Digital Portfolios

This article provides a quick overview of the components of student-centered digital portfolios. It highlights four takeaways, including the importance of focusing on the learning process and putting students in the drivers seat. This short article would be a good piece to spark a discussion with staff around digital portfolios for schools looking to implement… Read More ›

Visual Teaching Ideas to Spark Creative Thinking in Math

This article looks at ways to spark creativity and deep thinking in math classes. The author, a veteran educator and author, focuses on the use of images to spark deep thinking. Using images can help all types of learners access math as humans naturally seek to understand patterns and relationships. He also discusses how images… Read More ›

Deeper Learning and Diffusion of Innovation and Scaled Impact of New Hampshire’s Work-Study Practices 

Vector illustration, prepare the launch of a business project. rise of career to success, flat color icons, business analysis, take-off scale up

Through its Performance Assessment of Competency Education (PACE) initiative, New Hampshire offers innovative, successful approaches in competency-based and deeper learning practices, and is a model for other states to follow. JFF is partnering with the New Hampshire Learning Initiative, the New Hampshire Department of Education, and the Center for Innovation in Education to understand how… Read More ›

Leveraging the Power of Improvement Networks to Spread Lesson Study

Teamwork Business Team Meeting Unity Gears Working Concept

The High Tech High Graduate School of Education, in partnership with three Southern California school districts, will leverage lesson study within a networked improvement community (NIC) to explore how student-centered instruction and assessment strategies impact student mathematical understanding and achievement, particularly for Latinx and African American students. NICs, with their emphasis on scale and spread,… Read More ›

How to Move From Digital Substitution to ‘Deeper Learning

This EdSurge On Air podcast features a discussion with Scott McLeod, Associate Professor of Education Leadership at the University of Colorado in Denver and author of Harnessing Technology for Deeper Learning. He discusses how teachers can ensure they are using technology to support deeper learning and move to more student-centered teaching practices. He focuses on… Read More ›

MetaRubric Game

This game was designed to help teachers and future teachers learn how to design and use rubrics to assess project-based and maker-centered learning. The game, which takes 1-2 hours to complete, is an excellent professional development exercise. In addition to teaching key information about quality rubrics, it is in itself and example of how assessment… Read More ›

Students Learn to Put the ‘Civil’ in Civil Discourse

This article looks at the efforts at Overland High School, near Denver, CO to help students learn to engage in civil discourse. Students in government class learn important 21st century skills as they engage in “deliberations,” a form of structured civil discourse, in which students must argue on both sides of a relevant topic like gun control… Read More ›

Digital Promise League of Innovative Schools

This organization connects forward-thinking district leaders from across the country. Members work together on shared priorities, partnering with leading entrepreneurs, researchers, and education leaders to improve outcomes for students and solve challenges facing K-12 schools through learning technology and research. The League of Innovative Schools is: A network of superintendents and district leaders leveraging technology to… Read More ›

Developing Assessments for Learning That Lead to Equity

This blog post explores ways in which assessment can become a lever for equity by shifting its purpose from comparing and sorting students to supporting deeper learning. It features the efforts at Del Lago Academy of Applied Sciences (DLA); a small public high school in Escondido, California; to use assessment in a meaningful way to support student’s… Read More ›

Navigating the Future of Learning

Navigating the Future of Learning is a ten-year forecast on the future of learning from KnowledgeWorks. This report presents the ways in which current societal shifts could shape education over the next ten years and beyond. Specifically it looks at the following drivers of change that may impact learning: Automating Choices: Artificial intelligence and algorithms are automating many aspects… Read More ›

Scaffolding Discussion Skills With a Socratic Circle

 This video includes footage of students engaging in deep dialogue with the help of scaffolding to help support learning. It also features conversation with education experts. This video will be of interest to educators of any subject. It is the first in what will be a bigger series of 20 plus videos in the How… Read More ›